Yes i admit this is a survey, not the most interesting thing for u all, but then again, it could benefit us all eventually. Give me some time please,10 questions only, thanks a lot.
for confidentiality mail me:
[email protected].
just put ans e.g. a,b,c, plus comments along with age if u dont mind
1)what attracts u when u first came upon this site?a) Layout, site design
b) Something personal, symbolic, etc that strikes u.
if so, whts that? e.g. fav lolli pop that reminds u of fav dildo
c) General contents of the site
2)how did u know abt this site?a) surfing on own
b) recommended by friends
c) thru media, e.g. tv, papers
3)what made u return after first visit? what do u like so much abt this? site?
a) layout, site design
b) contents
c) the community using this site

e) others? like what?
4)do u feel u r part of a community here?yes no
5)if required to pay, would u return?yes(y?contents, friends,etc) no
6)how comfortable r u telling pple sth personal abt urself here? e.g.caught wanking, blowing, fucking, emotional probs,etc
a) never, not telling
b) ok after some time
c) always, non-stop telling
7)how long have u been using this site?
a) hours b) days c) weeks d) months e) years
if forum closes down, will u keep in contact w pple u know here?yes no
9) How much time do u spend here per visit?
a) < 30min
b) 30 min - 1 hr
c) > 1 hr
10) How do u allocate the time spent each time u visit? Give % for each activity listed below.a) reading, writing
b) chatting
c) others e.g. saving pics.