pls leh....everyone in the world wan fairness. of coz this world dun have any fairness but at least must level & close up the gap between stupid & smart ppl. In sg, smart talented ppl get better & better. they nv try the taste of suffering b4 & become very 'huang wan'!!! den those who r weak in study get's weaker becoz they r force to go lousier class or sch. So they can nv overtake or beat those 'huang wan' ppl. how can they improve when they r force to study in worsen condition? All the sch & companies wan talented ppl, den where does this class of ppl go??? there shouldnt be any institute like ite at all. it's useless even u make 10 more ite. U r making more poorly edu ppl. in the end sg only bright ppl get the best of everything & stupid ppl will condemn for life. the gap widen & is going back to wat happen in olden china. y is the gov just wan to provide better edu to only jc & not poly? Y must they force poly ppl not to get better edu in sg? gov only blame them when they work & study overseas & nv tot tt they r the ones who force ppl to get out of the country!
i assume u must b in poly rite? well if u r gd in ure studies ..b it in jc or poly . u will b rewarded ie with a uni edu, there r quite a few pple i noe from poly go uni cos they gd in their studies. neway if u lazy and don study wan cannot expect to go to uni rite?
to live is evil...=)
It's true in a way that you go poly
harder for you to go to uni. That's true that it's unfair.That u suffer more and still might not get a chance to go uni.
Even if someone is smart still need to be hardworking otherwise cannot make it life.
No matter how smart you are, if you are lazy, nobody wants u.
Anyway Singapore UNi is not the only choice.
there are other avenues to study.
I have friends who work and study to prepare to go for a degree course course overseas.
The Goat
[This message has been edited by Rheoincarnate (edited 06 December 2001).]
i hate to do this to the person who started the topic but your topic makes no sense. it's not even in good english. your topic when intepreted the way it is written says that poly ppl who cannot get into jc also cannot do well in uni. read carefully and you'll see...