hi. i'm g0ing t0 np tis july..kinda wondering wat p0ly lif3 is all about. s0m3how it se3ms to m3 tat p0ly lif3 is nt jus abt studying adn g3tting g00d r3sults. it's bout studies. it's bout how u l00k. it's bout how u dr3ss. it's bout how u f33l bout urs3lf and how ppl f33l bout u. it's about b0ys. it's bout g3rs. it's bout lotsa other stuffs.
initially i was kinda happy tat i was g0ing to np but n0w i'm kinda.. still excited abt g0ing in..but abit afraid..not kn0wing wat to exp3ct.
anY coMm3nTs or waTev3r w0uld b3 appr3ciated u no3.. =)
You laugh because i'm different..i laugh because you're all the same