whaoss.. i was just surfing the net and i came across this forum and saw this topic... it made me really worked up that i immediately got a account.
I think there is 1 indian Warden (bitch) and 3 other male wardens(scums). And there is this other supervisor.
How do i know them?. I think i have been caught by them individually before. They are like ghost who really pop up in no where.
But i got a little info for u guys.
The indian woman, her SON is studing in Ngee Ann, 2nd year .But let's not bring the Son into the pic.
She is okey if you can talk to her nicely and she would let you off. BUT beware she is a STALKER.. she can follow you for a very very long distance.. and pounce on you...Trust me.
(Normally does her route at atrium , canteen 1[her fav spot at lunch time] , the buss block ,electrical block.)
The Second Guy is the one with the Specs abit balding, he is okey. Sometimes he pretends not to see anything and he only aims certain people.
The Third Guy, this you must watch out.He is the one with the perm hair-do. I think people in this forum calls him "ah-gua"?
He's the one arse you must look out for, that bastard does'nt give any chance. And if you are a 1st year student, chances are nil.And inside his bag is full of Ngee Ann booklets, you know the ones they give out when u first came in.
He used to be a Army Warren officer.Untill he was discarded by the SAF.
( 1#Atrium is this Gay's fav place,2#Libary The libarian told me he will always come to the libary in the afternoon to make his rounds )
The Forth Guy, It is very hard to notice him.I was caught while riding a motorbike with out helmet and he was there in a ambush did'nt see it coming.He even wanted to lock up the bike and call tp. But Not a chance, i am faster than him.
But i don't see him around frequently.
I think the rule of the thumb is when u know you will get caught and u don't wanna is to avoid:
1# Atrium 2#Canteen 1 3#Libary
and you will be pretty safe.
But You can always walk faster...

Yes, that ah gua is always making things idfficult for us, likes to embarass pple one.esp those freshies. C them new, then bully them. I hate his expressions coming frm his eyes....like so evil....
~~~```` run..while you can ''''''~~~~~~~