im currently doing my attachment.. i need to help re-do and maintain the co's website.. recently, we just switched to a windows server. so i need to translate the PHP codes to ASP. im stucked at these...

[email protected]";
$message="The following message has been entered from ABC website.";
$message.="\nMessage Detail:";
$message.="\nName : ".$_POST['name'];
$message.="\nCompany : ".$_POST['company'];
$message.="\nEmail : ".$_POST['email'];
$message.="\nPhone : ".$_POST['phone'];
$message.="\nNature of feedback : ".$_POST['nature'];
$message.="\nMessage : \n".$_POST['message'];
$mail_header="From: {$_POST[email]}\r\n" .
"Reply-To: {$_POST[email]}\r\n" .
"X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion();
mail($receiver_email, "[abc web] contact form", $message,$mail_header);

anyone knows PHP codes? can help me to translate them into ASP? this is a "contact us" form. or anyone know which sites provide free translation? from PHP to ASP... i only managed to find translation from ASP to PHP