My recent experience in Punggol SPC petrol station disappointed me.
I have been anticipated the opening of the Punggol SPC station when it was being built, being one of the first families to move into Punggol. How great to have the first petrol station in Punggol, rather than driving into Sengkang or Hougang for petrol refill.
However, last Friday at 10pm, there was a long queue of >15 person waiting at the cashier to pay money! Needless to say, there is a long queue of cars waiting outside for the cars next to the pump to move off.
Well, there are 2 cashier counter, but ONLY 1 of them is open. WHY? It's accounts closing and the MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO CLOSE ACCOUNTS ON TIME. NO COLLECTING MONEY NOR THEIR CUSTOMERS' TIME.
I requested the supervisor to open the 2nd cashier to address the queue first, so as to shorten the queue and COLLECT MORE REVENUE.
I'm wondering if this SPC knows this operational issue that is impacting their revenue, especially in these competitive and depressed market conditions. Well, perhaps we live in different worlds. There are people out there making money and other people like me worried about costs and our job security.
I'm also just wondering how many of the cars outside have driven off to delay their petrol refill at other stations?
Perhaps SPC can re-look at the timing of their staff shift-change and accounts closing, so that it does not come at the expense of their paying customers. 10pm closing works for weekday, but no weekends.
Are there any others sharing the same thoughts? Or am I the only one who does not have the patience to wait 30mins to pay my petrol refill?
One way is to go during other periods of the day?
Good point.
If we do that, we as paying customers, are living to and cordoning the inefficiencies of the service providers.
A simplier solution is to move their account closing timeslot later on weekends (Fri-Sun). This way, it brings more convenience to a bigger group of people (i.e. the customers), rather than the 2 persons manning the cashiers.
It is just simple bad logic and managment that a much larger group of customers (and their time) is wasting time, for the convenience and time of 2 other persons.
If Singapore and its companies and its customer service is to be world-class, the management and simple common sense and logic should better be world-class first.
When was the opening date compared to the date of your visit.
If it is brand new, please allow room for error and let them sort their operating module out.
SPC Punggol has been around for 1-2 years, if I recall correctly.
It is an irony that the cashiers are friendly and the supervisor is not thinking clearly. SO the cashier gets dirty looks when there is a long queue forming but yet couldn't deal with it.
Hellraiza, you're right. the queue is worst between 10pm to 11pm, especially nearing 11pm, where there is only 1 cashier left as the other cashiers/workers complete their shifts.
I don't see such issues at Macdonald's with their shift change and enjoy a good experience for a relatively small order of $10. We're all topping up petrol with averag bills of $50 to $100 and we get this disappointing service. Imagine... you have to queue up to pay for your petrol purchase of $100!
stay at puggol,
bo bian one.
this area is still not ready fully
I wonder if any marketing search engine and/or anyone in PSC out there will get to know this!!!
If not, i do hope that singapore consumers start to group up and provide positive back to these organizations to improve!