Hello P, S, C, and of course, hello to myself.
Welcome to the newly-created PSYCR forum.
This will be a place where we can discuss things like outings, and also marks the start of online discussion sessions.
Unlike other forums, I feel that there isn't a need for rules and regulations in here, but please do be aware that basic internet etiquette is strongly advised at all times. I bet none of you would wish to start a huge flame war and then we come to fistfights over a trivial matter, or even get ourselves disbanded. So please, no flaming, slandering or arguments among ourselves.
The forum is currently unmoderated, I might consider P to be a mod for this forum.
From time to time, I will carry out spring-cleaning, to ensure that the forum is nice and neat.
Register for a free SGForums account and you may start posting.
Remember, keep your tempers in check at all times, no spam and no flaming!
Thanks all, and have fun! :)
-R a.k.a 7484