There are several documented cases of inconsiderate motorists hogging the extreme right lane and blocking ambulances.
Do give your opinions how to solve this problem of these inconsiderate motorists or taxis blocking the right lane and slowing down traffic and ambulances and causing the traffic jams and making everyone else pay higher ERP charges.
I feel some of these drivers do not ROADHOG by purpose, but some are MERELY BLURR, because they got NO IDEA they are causing the huge TRAFFIC JAMS behind them, nor are they AWARE they are blocking AMBULANCE tailgating behind them, because they NEVER CHECK THEIR REAR VIEW MIRRORS. (Is it because the rear view mirrors are for putting lipstick?)
your forum got no future
huai de phuck need a special forum for this?
Please lah... your forum nor your blog had no future.
The ambulance blocking was not considered blocking... the lights are not on and thus, it is not rushing for time.
Road hog? You do not even know how fast that car is going, anyway, sg speed limit is only 90 on expressway.
cannot be cannot see la, esp if the ambulance's lights n sirens are flashing. if really ambulance directly behind n u still cannot see u shouldn't be driving.
just noticed this forum..
anyway, please always give way to emergency ambulances if they have their beacon lights switched on..
Well...sometimes they are caught in their conversation or they simply act blur....