Textbooks for “A” Level Economics
(1) Sloman, John Economics, 4th Edition Prentice Hall
(2) Sloman, John Essentials of Economics Prentice Hall
(3) Maunder, Peter and Miller, Roger Economics Explained
Collin Educational
(4) Lipsey, Steiner, Purvis and Courant Economics, 10th Edition
Harper Collins
(5) G.F. Stanlake, Introductory Economics, Longman Publisher
(6) Beardshaw, John Economics: A Student’s Guide Pitman
(7) McEachern, William A Economics: Contemporary Introduction,
5th Edition South-WesternCollege Publishing
(8) Begg, Fisher and Dornbush, Economics, McGraw Hill
(9) Roger Miller, Economics Today, Addison-Wesley
(10) Parkin Michael, Economics, Addison-Wesley
(11) Collin Bamform, Keith Brunskill, Gordon Cain, Economics :
AS Level and A Level, Cambridge University Press
(12) Robert Frank and Ben Bernanke, Principles of Economics,
Pearson Education
(13) O’Sullivan Arthur and Sheffrin Steven M., Economics :
Principles and Tools, Pearson
(14) Robert Sexton, Exploring Economics, Thomson South-Western
(15) Mankiw, Gregory, Principles of Economics , Problems and
Policies, Thomson South-Western
(16) McConnell and Bruce, Economics, Economics : Principles,
Problems and Policies, McGraw Hill
(17) Case and Fair, Principles of Economics, Pearson
(18) Lai, Lim, Koh Chan and Lim College Economics Pan Pacific
(19) Hashim Ali, Comprehensive Economics Guide, Oxford
(20) Patrick Lim, Economics, Study Guide, Academic Publications
(21) Hoon, Koh, Chin and Quah Economics: Theory and Applications
McGraw Hill
(22) Low, Linda and Toh Mun Heng Principles of Economics
(23) Low, Linda and Toh Mun Heng An Economic Framework of
Singapore McGraw Hill
(24) Lim Chong Yah, Elements of Economic Theory, Oxford
(25) Lim Chong Yah, Economic Structure and Organisation, Oxford
(26) Lai Kok Seng, Essentials of Microeconomics, Pan Pacific
(27) Lai Kok Seng, Essentials of Macroeconomics, Pan Pacific
(28) Lipsey, Richard G An Introduction to Positive Economics
Weidenfeld &Nicolson
(29) Lipsey and Chrystal Positive Economics Oxford University
(30) Amos, Orley M, Jr Economics: Concepts, Analysis and
Applications Wadsworth
(31) Dewett Modern Economic Theory S. Chand
(32) J. Harvey Modern Economics ELBS
(33) Hanson A Textbook of Economics ELBS
(34) Stoner and Hague A Textbook of Economic Theory Longman
(35) Samuelson Economics McGraw Hill
(36) Clark Economics : Cost and Choice
(37) Barnard A course in Microeconomics Longman
(38) Burningham Understanding Economics Manchester Press
(39) Hicks The Social Framework Oxford Press
(40) Baumol Economics : Principles and Policies Harcourt
(41) Wonnacott Economics McGraw Hill
(42) Livesey A Textbook of Core Economics Longman
(43) Gregory Principles of Economics Harpers
(44) Powell Economics ELBS
(45) Leftwich The Price System and Resource Allocation
Dryden Press
(46) Chiller The Microeconomics Today McGraw Hill