Chances of entering SIM to take dip course for someone wif onli o lvl qualification 6 subjects but failed maths.
if no chance of entering SIM...then which is the best place to go?
u got $$ then no problem...
no SIM then go MDIS lor..
nah bei if i know sim got diploma i sure don't go that fuck up mdis
sim got what dip available for o lvl grad but fail maths? someone whu is also 21 and haf finished NS
for sim dip course, o lvl 6 subjects but fail maths onli can apply??? the website saes including eng but i read frm another forum the person sae eng and maths. if its wif maths then i can't apply. so which is which
any idea?
Best is to call their office of admissions to clarify or head on down during their open house to ask.