Post any helpful tips or tricks you know about jumpstyle. Anything from good songs to jumpstyle to, to clothing.
Here i go. :)
Here is a good video to learn from. It's where i learnt my jumpstyle.
And this is an example of GREAT JUMPSTYLE.
A good tip for jumpstyle is to kick and jump high. Jump high, fast and to the beat, and it will look good. Also, make sure you land flat on your feet each time you jump, or you'll hurt yourself and you can't jump as high the next time.
I LOVE to jumpstyle to this song.
Hope this helped, guys. Keep posting! Jumping Is Not A Crime.
Here's another good video guys.
Great jumpstyle right there. Patrick Jumpen is good. Keep practising, i'm pretty noob myself, but i do love to jump, and i can only get better. Good luck jumpers :D
Hey JKFUEL, i was hoping you could coach me on jumpstyle. Mind teaching me ?
@Onlyluv913, i won't teach you in person, but if you have any questions you can ask me. But you can learn from the video tutorials, really. :)