A Venerable on Facebook posed this question for us to ponder.
ç�¾ä¸–為何ä¸�å ±?
He means to ask why effect (not necessarily retribution only, but also pleasant effects) doesn't come hot on the heels of cause within the current lifetime?
What would your answer be?
å› ä¸ºæœ¬æ�¥æ— 一物ï¼�若没有报,那他何æ�¥æ¤ç”Ÿå‘¢ï¼�
i no more ponder this question. as i more or less convince that the timing is not right and that they (the bad guys) had accumulated a lot of merit in the past life.
i'm sure �光大师 Master Yin Guang ever answered this question before in his letters from the students.
i found this:
今有一疑问,请求è€�法师慈悲开示。弟å�å�ƒç´ 念佛,已ç»�å¤šå¹´ã€‚å› ä¸ºä¿¡ä½›ä¹‹äººï¼Œä¸ºå��方三世诸佛之所护念,天龙八部,大力神王,常éš�拥护。往世æ�¶ä¸šï¼Œäº¦æ¸�消ç�,纵有怨对,ä¸�能为害。æ¤ä¹ƒä½›ç»�所说,决é�žè™šè¯ã€‚讵于三月间,接到上海èˆ�亲处æ�¥ä¸€è®£é—»ï¼Œç³»ä¸€æž�ä¿¡ä½›ä¹‹å¼ å¤ªå¤ªï¼Œå�ƒç´ 已二å��余年,常到居士林å�¬ç»�。逢人必åŠ�念佛å�ƒç´ ,心æž�慈悲行善。ä¸�料一日,é€�ç´ è�œä¸ŽæŸ�师兄,在马路上行走,为汽车轧æ»ã€‚å�Žä¸ºå·¡æ�•æˆ¿æ”¶åŽ»ï¼Œè‡³ä¸‰æ—¥å�Žï¼Œå…¶å®¶å�å™æ™“得,始去领归安殓。余闻悉之下,心ä¸é�žå¸¸æƒŠæƒ¶ï¼Œè‡³ä»Šç–‘惑ä¸�解。且佛会ä¸äººé—»ä¹‹ï¼Œäº¦å�‡ä¸�安。故特上书,æ�³æ±‚è€�法师开导,指示所以然之故。何以临终如是之苦,究竟å�¯èƒ½å¾€ç”Ÿè¥¿æ–¹å�¦ã€‚说个明白,å�¯ä½¿å¤§å®¶å®‰å¿ƒå¿µä½›ï¼Œä¸�胜感德之至。(周颂尧居士原函)接手书,知é˜�下于佛法é�“ç�†ï¼Œå°šæœªçœŸæ˜Žã€‚å�¾äººä»Žæ— 始以æ�¥ï¼Œæ‰€ä½œæ�¶ä¸šï¼Œæ— é‡�æ— è¾¹ã€‚å�Žä¸¥ç»�云,å�‡ä½¿æ�¶ä¸šæœ‰ä½“相者,å��方虚空ä¸�能容å�—。须知人之修æŒ�ï¼ŒæžœçœŸè¯šæ— ä¼ªï¼Œä¾¿èƒ½è½¬ä¸šã€‚è½¬é‡�报å�ŽæŠ¥ï¼Œä¸ºçŽ°æŠ¥è½»æŠ¥ã€‚凡夫肉眼,å�ªèƒ½è§�当时之å�‰å‡¶äº‹å®žï¼Œä¸�能知过去与未æ�¥ä¹‹å› 果何如。æ¤è€�太太,多年精修,一æœ�惨æ»ï¼Œæˆ–者由æ¤è‹¦æŠ¥ï¼Œä¾¿å�¯æ¶ˆç�æ‰€é€ ä¸‰é€”æ�¶é�“之报,而得生善é�“。或在生有真信愿,亦å�¯å¾€ç”Ÿè¥¿æ–¹ã€‚但å�¾äººæ—¢æ— 他心é�“眼,ä¸�敢臆æ–,谓决定往生,与决定ä¸�往生也。其å�¯å†³å®šè€…,为善必有善报,作æ�¶å¿…有æ�¶æŠ¥ã€‚为善而得æ�¶æŠ¥ï¼Œä¹ƒå®¿ä¸–之æ�¶ä¸šæžœæŠ¥ï¼Œé�žçŽ°åœ¨ä¹‹å–„业果报也。æ±�ç‰è¯¸äººï¼Œè§�æ¤è€�人,得æ¤æžœæŠ¥ï¼Œå¿ƒä¸ä¾¿æœ‰ä¸ºå–„æ— ç¦�,善ä¸�足为之邪è§�,故致惊惶疑惑。其知è§�,与未闻佛法之人,有何å�„异。倘深信佛言,决ä¸�以æ¤äº‹ï¼Œä½œæ¤æƒŠæƒ¶ç–‘惑之æ€�ã€‚ä»¥å› æžœä¹‹äº‹ï¼Œé‡�å� æ— å°½ï¼Œæ¤å› 未报,彼果先熟。如ç§�稻然,早ç§�è€…æ—©æ”¶ã€‚å¦‚æ¬ å€ºç„¶ï¼ŒåŠ›å¼ºè€…å…ˆç‰µã€‚å�¤æœ‰ä¸€ç”Ÿä½œå–„,临终æ�¶æ»ï¼Œä»¥æ¶ˆç�宿业,次生便得富贵尊è�£è€…。如宋阿育王寺一僧,欲修èˆ�利殿,念沂亲王有势力,往募,所æ��æ— å‡ ï¼Œæ„¤æž�,以斧于èˆ�利殿å‰�æ–其手,血æµ�而æ»ã€‚å�³æ—¶ï¼Œå…¶çŽ‹ç”Ÿä¸€å�,å“ä¸�æ¢ã€‚奶æ¯�抱之游行,至挂èˆ�利塔图处则ä¸�å“,离开å�ˆå“。é�‚将其图å�–下,奶æ¯�常å�‘å½¼æŒ�之,则永ä¸�å“。王闻而异之,é�‚使人往育王问其僧,则å�³äºŽå…¶å�生日,æ–手æµ�血而æ»ã€‚彼王é�‚独修èˆ�利殿。å�Šå¹´äºŒå��,å®�å®—å´©ï¼Œæ— å�,é�‚令彼过继,为皇å¸�å››å��一年,å�³å®‹ç�†å®—也。æ¤åƒ§ä¹‹æ»ï¼Œäº¦å±žæƒ¨æ»ï¼Œä½¿æ— 常å“ä¸�æ¢ï¼Œè§�èˆ�利图则ä¸�å“,人è°�知æ¤å�,乃æ¤åƒ§æ–手惨æ»è€…之å�Žèº«ä¹Žã€‚æ¤äº‹è½½é˜¿è‚²çŽ‹å±±å¿—,光于光绪二å��一年,拜èˆ�利数å��日,看之。明ç�†ä¹‹äººï¼Œä»»å½¼å¢ƒé�‡å¦‚何,决ä¸�ç–‘å› æžœæœ‰å·®ï¼Œä½›è¯æˆ–妄。ä¸�明ç�†ï¼Œå®ˆæ»è§„矩,而ä¸�çŸ¥å› æžœå¤�æ�‚,é�‚è‡´å¦„ç”Ÿç–‘è®®ï¼Œæ€»å› å¿ƒæ— æ£è§�故也。如所说念佛之人,有三å®�åŠ è¢«ï¼Œé¾™å¤©æŠ¤ä½‘ï¼Œæ¤ç³»ä¸€å®šä¹‹ç�†ï¼Œæ–ä¸�致或有虚妄。然于转é‡�报å�ŽæŠ¥ï¼Œä¸ºçŽ°æŠ¥è½»æŠ¥ä¹‹ç�†ï¼Œæœªèƒ½äº†çŸ¥ï¼Œæ•…ä¸�å…�有æ¤ç§�ä¸�å�ˆç�†ä¹‹ç–‘议也。昔西域戒贤论师,德高一世,é�“震四竺。(四天竺国。)由宿业故,身婴æ�¶ç—…,其苦æž�酷,ä¸�能å¿�å�—,欲行自尽。适è§�文殊ã€�普贤ã€�观世音ã€�三è�©è�¨é™�,谓曰,æ±�往昔劫ä¸ï¼Œå¤šä½œå›½çŽ‹ï¼Œæ�¼å®³ä¼—ç”Ÿï¼Œå½“ä¹…å •æ�¶é�“。由æ±�å®�扬佛法,故以æ¤äººé—´å°�苦,消ç�长劫地狱之苦,æ±�宜å¿�å�—。大å”�国有僧,å��玄奘,当过三年,æ�¥æ¤å�—法。戒贤论师闻之,é�‚å¿�苦å¿�悔,久之é�‚愈。至三年å�Žï¼ŒçŽ„奘至彼,戒公令弟å�说其病苦之状。其说苦之人,哽咽æµ�泪,å�¯çŸ¥å…¶è‹¦å¤ªç”šã€‚使ä¸�æ˜Žå®¿ä¸–ä¹‹å› ï¼Œäººå°†è°“æˆ’è´¤é�žå¾—é�“高僧。或将谓如æ¤å¤§ä¿®è¡Œäººï¼Œå°šå¾—如æ¤æƒ¨ç—…,佛法有何ç�µæ„Ÿåˆ©ç›Šä¹Žã€‚æ±�ç‰å¿ƒä¸æ‰€çŸ¥è€…å°�,故ç¨�è§�å¼‚ç›¸ï¼Œä¾¿ç”ŸæƒŠç–‘ã€‚æ— å–„æ ¹äººï¼Œé�‚退é�“å¿ƒã€‚å€˜é€ æ�¶ä¹‹äººçŽ°å¾—ç¦�报,亦å¤�如是起邪è§�心。ä¸�知皆是å‰�å› å�Žæžœï¼Œå�Šè½¬å�ŽæŠ¥é‡�报,为现报轻报,å�Šè½¬çŽ°æŠ¥è½»æŠ¥ï¼Œä¸ºå�ŽæŠ¥é‡�报ç‰ï¼Œç§�ç§�å¤�æ�‚ä¸�é½�之故也。(文钞ç»ç¼–å�·ä¸‹å¤�周颂尧居士书)
Originally posted by realization:A Venerable on Facebook posed this question for us to ponder.
ç�¾ä¸–為何ä¸�å ±?
He means to ask why effect (not necessarily retribution only, but also pleasant effects) doesn't come hot on the heels of cause within the current lifetime?
What would your answer be?
This just justify the idea of rebirth.
There are many cases of retribution in this life if we were to observe people around us carefully. The most obvious ones are those who ill treat their parents, murderers, loan sharks etc. Their retributions are in this life.
I have an ex-colleague whose relative's mother is a loan shark. Though the relative is very rich but all her children (5 or 6 I can't remember) have long term major organs sickness. I have a relative who was a loan shark, that was more than 20 years ago. His first born who was a son was a mute. Relatives advised him to quit and he did. He had another 3 children who are normal.
Well, many people will say that this is not fair because what the parents did has nothing to do with their children. Actually this is called "common karma"共业. Meaning the child was supposed to be born mute because of his own past karma but he was born into this family because they share the "common karma". So, in fact what the parents did have nothing to do with the children but because of their common karma, their "frequency" are the same.
Yeah, I tend towards the same concept as Sinweiy mentioned above.
Either causes and conditions not yet ripe, or plenty of merits to "dilute" the bad effects.
As I happened to hear MCK mention in one of his talks, all imprints of thought, word and deed we commit are stored in our 8th alaya consciousness. Those imprints can never be erased, but it's a matter of whether we have cultivated our minds sufficiently to not let any bad effects come to fruition. Mind cultivation is also meritorious, besides yielding skilful mind states.
Maybe the more experienced practitioners can shed more light on the above...
/\ thanks.
Originally posted by SevenEleven:This just justify the idea of rebirth.
the conditions are not ready or missing... karma can't take effect :)
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:å› æžœé€šä¸‰ä¸–
Karma is not easy to understand. Only Buddha is able to understand it. Karma is far too complicated for lay man to understand. It is not so straight forward as 1+1=2.
This is not important and not the main tenet of Buddhism especially Pureland. You just rest on Buddha Amitabha, upon your attainment, it is self-explanatory.
It has retributed, a very good example among others
å› æžœ has no logic.
let say i get retribution in my next life. how does it 'hurt' me when i dont even know its me?
Originally posted by dragg:å› æžœ has no logic.
let say i get retribution in my next life. how does it 'hurt' me when i dont even know its me?
If a person was drunk and unfortunately got hit by a car and was paralysed. He could not recall what had happened and how he was hit by the car because he was drunk but that does not mean he will change the fact that he is paralysed for the rest of his life.
Can you relate the story to the fact that how it hurts you when you have to suffer for your sins although you can't recall what you had done in your past life?
The point here is it does not matter whether you can recall or you can't. Karma will still work regardless of whether you can recall or not.
Buddha is the wise one who tells us how karma works. Just like the person who got hit by the car would be told by someone how he got paralyse though he could not recall the accident. I believe that person will have lots of regrets and wish that he had never drunk liquor at all.
Many people like you have the misconception that retributions only happen in next life. In fact, retributions can happen in this very life if you observe people or things happening around you carefully.
Originally posted by dragg:å› æžœ has no logic.
let say i get retribution in my next life. how does it 'hurt' me when i dont even know its me?
Precisely, it never has any logic at all. Need not have to wait for next life, just this life, and at present time is enough for a trial run - Try sitting meditation and check for yourself for any "false" thoughts from arising. Many people have plentiful of false thoughts arising that "hurt" even without them knowing it themselves. Some dose off while others may be snoring with some good dreams
some lost themelves inside the false thoughts.
Originally posted by Amitayus48:
Precisely, it never has any logic at all. Need not have to wait for next life, just this life, and at present time is enough for a trial run- Try sitting meditation and check for yourself for any "false" thoughts from arising. Many people have plentiful of false thoughts arising that "hurt" even without them knowing it themselves. Some dose off while others may be snoring with some good dreams
some lost themelves inside the false thoughts.
maybe i did not express myself clearly. i personally feel it is more 'fair' to have 现世报. then everyone would be held accoountable for his or her own actions. then people who wants to do evil would think twice before doing it. �世报 doesnt serve that purpose coz the person in this life would not know himself in the next life and vice versa.
is it confusing?
�世报 or any form of suffering reminds the individual that bodhi (awakening) is necessary.
The spiritual life is not only about doing good versus evil. Doing good is necessary for the maintenance of healthy states of mind so that one may more easily stay in right concentration and mindfulness, and hence lead to awakening.
Likewise, bad karma that catches up with us is not so much a punishment - although our mundane minds tend to think along such lines - but simply a reminder that previous unskilful mind states and actions resulted in current undesirable life circumstances.
When faced with undesirable life circumstances, we look for a solution to our suffering. Those with more affinity will more quickly encounter the Buddhadharma, while those with less merit may take some time to find the escape route.
Originally posted by dragg:maybe i did not express myself clearly. i personally feel it is more 'fair' to have 现世报. then everyone would be held accoountable for his or her own actions. then people who wants to do evil would think twice before doing it. �世报 doesnt serve that purpose coz the person in this life would not know himself in the next life and vice versa.
is it confusing?
There are many 现世报. Most of the murderers are sent to prison or sentenced to death. Aren't those 现世报? Anyway, karma is not so straight forward. It is not 1+1=2.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:There are many 现世报. Most of the murderers are sent to prison or sentenced to death. Aren't those 现世报? Anyway, karma is not so straight forward. It is not 1+1=2.
its true. but i am sure there are many more cases of people not getting punished.
Originally posted by dragg:its true. but i am sure there are many more cases of people not getting punished.
There was this Ven. who told us a real story. He said there was this criminal who was sentenced to death for a murder case. This criminal asked to see the Ven. before hanging. He told the Ven. that he was really innocent, he did not kill the victim. However, he said he deserved the sentence and did not blame anyone because he had earlier murdered someone but was not arrested. So, after understanding karma, he accepted his sentence willingly. It is just a case of karma catches up with this person.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:There was this Ven. who told us a real story. He said there was this criminal who was sentenced to death for a murder case. This criminal asked to see the Ven. before hanging. He told the Ven. that he was really innocent, he did not kill the victim. However, he said he deserved the sentence and did not blame anyone because he had earlier murdered someone but was not arrested. So, after understanding karma, he accepted his sentence willingly. It is just a case of karma catches up with this person.
but then its so difficult to accept not everyone would be punished in the same lifetime. punishment meted out in the next life serves no purpose.
I suppose when faced with seemingly unfair/unfavourable circumstances in life, it really could seem meaningless in the sense that you sometimes don't remember doing anything to "deserve" it.
It has occurred to me though, that we often aren't aware of the many things that do go well in our lives. We do not relate it to meritorious actions we had done previously. As macro examples, living in a peaceful country, living where there aren't hunger and drought issues, being able to have an education, etc. Ask the underprivileged in a Third World country and they will tell you their lot in life is far less than folks like us who even have time to ponder such issues on the Internet.
We would willingly accept the good stuff and take it for granted, but rail at the workings of karma when "bad" things happen.