holy shit my ass. you altar boy.
Not so innocent so can fuck....... Now that i look it, doing wynee in MLT 8, hearing her sqeal, now that'd be something
chris has an obsession with retarded girls and lecture theatres
you squirt so far. can shoot above the com table. i'm sure wynee would be satisfied. if you would prefer, i can throw in si hui as well. she'll yank your penis into her ever fucking big mouth.
Awwww fuck, please not her........... Her face is..... an antidote for orgasms
christopher and c**** sitting on a tree
kay eye ass ass eye an gee
she has an hourglass figure eh. her boyfriend & her got blogshop sell those pasar malam stuff & trying to pass them off as "branded" goods.
can can la Chris. i tell her now that you want to roll her eyes on her clit.
Hourglass my ass..........
your ass isn't hourglass what. damn flat. happybunny grinded you & told me abt it.
Chris: Shuts my internet not working
yourmotherrr: just like your brain.
i am gay
I know you are bunny, awwww come on, don't let everyone in on on our secret! I thought we had something special
i always knew it. ever since they day, you dropped your zip & starting wanking in front on Song Wei.
wait... I hear the wolves.
i have no idea what talking chris
you must be drunk
like that time last year during your birthday
you took a sip of tiger and went batshit
batship is an understatement. retardation fits in perfectly.
Bunny i'm hurt... **pouts**
my name is not c**d*
CD is fucked up. I know you have a fetish with OK and her angels
i fail ITSB also (:
Originally posted by Chris88110:SO DID I, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY
your history spans 6 months
i phailure. i need to cum now.
-rushes to the toilet.
Lets hope its not the last