Reading religious forums like EH and WB makes me wonder what we are trying to do or achieve from these constant exchange of views on religious beliefs.
Christians/free thinkers/atheists question Buddhists about the validity of their beliefs, thus Buddhists would have to try to explain/refute those questions. This is also likewise for some Buddhists in Christian forums, who may pose difficult questions to Christians.
I'm not saying whether the above observation is good or bad, but I wonder how many are honest and critical enough towards themselves, on what they are really looking out for when they posed so many debatable topics in either EH or WB.
Most of the time, Christians/free thinkers/atheists would still remain unconvinced by any 'evidence' shown by Buddhists and vice versa.
So how is this gonna end? What purpose does it serve for you, what direction do you want to see ultimately, for yourself after all these discussions and debates?
You ask so much, yet you hardly ask yourself what you really want. Is it for personal reasons like 'I get a kick out of seeing that people get dumbfounded when I corner them and take apart their rationale or any evidence supporting their beliefs?
Perhaps you don't even know about this aspect of your true intentions, therefore you can't possibly acknowledge it. Perhaps you somehow know about it, but continue to question or challenge vigourously in the name of freedom of expression, or helping others to see how foolish they are, how deluded they are for believing in superstitious or non-scientific things which you honestly believe from the selective evidence you present or 'experienced personally'?
I have one main reason for posting my questions on religion in either EH or WB. To really want to know why certain groups of people believe the way they did, what kind of experiences led them to taking the first step to want to find out more about a certain religion and subsequently, become a full-fledged member of that religion or belief?
I hope that one day, I can put to good use from what I learn about different religions and folk customs, I wish to contribute in one way or another, to establishing common and objective religious and belief education for all mankind. To establish a commom platform for understanding and respecting each other's beliefs, despite not being able to agree at all.
I know that this ultimately cannot be achieved on a wide scale, due to various mental and emotional types of resistance posed by human nature. But if no one wishes to bring the whole world together through understanding, love and respect, what will be left to grow in place instead? Segregation, isolation, hidden resentment and deep-rooted prejudice..etc..
When the right conditions for confrontation appear, all surface harmony and tolerance for each other will break down so quickly that it almost seems to have never existed in the first place.
The above is my greatest concern. For human history has consistently shown us that human beliefs, when left inappropriately and inadequately addressed, will at first lead to cold wars and ultimately, actual wars of mass destruction between religious followers of any race, language or nationality. Of course, both scenarios can take place in any order or even at the same time.
Is there anyone who cares enough to think about the future of mankind? Can good political intentions and will alone be enough to solve such fundamentally and deeply emotional issues?
I don't know about you, but I already have my own thoughts and decisions about it.
Thanks for reading this long post.