Government related:1) - Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circles
2) - Inter-Religious Organisation
3) Ministry of Home Affairs's news article - The Opening Ceremony of 'Singapore Celebrates Vesak 2551, Project Million Lotus 2007 - Harmony In Action' at Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza - Opening Address by Mr Wong Kan Seng, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister For Home Affairs, 26 May 2007
Excerpts from the speech made by Mr Wong Kan Seng:
Make inter-faith and inter-racial understanding a personal commitment'..Maintaining and enhancing racial and religious harmony is not solely the responsibility of religious and community leaders. Every individual has a role to play.
Tolerance is essential, but it is not enough. We are thankful that Singaporeans understand and support the need for inter-faith interaction. We need to
deepen our understanding of the beliefs and cultures of the various ethnic and religious groups in Singapore. We should make this a
personal commitment.'
4) links will be added as and when I get to know of them. I welcome your recommendations and feedback to the above list of links.