Having tried this tea the first time round and wasn't really impressed by it, I turned to my friend who got the tea for me for assistance. I have been wondering what had they tasted in the tea but not me which got them so crazy about this tea. And I mean its not only them. Some others too are so drawn to this tea. Finally got the desired taste. The sweet and smooth taste of dried longan
For more tea reviews, you can read them at www.teaasylum.com. Alternatively I will post some reviews here from time to time
If this is the tea we tried not too long ago, then I'm afraid I have to say Eeeeks~!
Plse bring. but will be very confused now.
I bot some wrong Fuhai in stock now. Got a big leaf version that I need to buy some, now new ones.... maybe after this one I can chose one for this year gift...