Originally posted by pigsticker:but the customer is always right
not always la..espcially when call centres got voice recording
Originally posted by Nata|ie:
Customers are not always right, but every customer is important to the business.
i hate to kiss horse backside lor
Originally posted by StarPuppy:
not always la..espcially when call centres got voice recording
yeah that is true though. which call centre are you refering to? can hint hint?
Originally posted by Nata|ie:I think a better choice will be, “Sir/Mdm, I’m afraid I have to ask you to calm down. If you still continue your usage of vulgarities, I’m afraid I have to end this call.”
actually i dun like to be polite to those people who use vulgar on me lor..not worth my time
Originally posted by rlsh07:
yeah that is true though. which call centre are you refering to? can hint hint?
can hint hint...err
we are from korea..
Originally posted by StarPuppy:
actually i dun like to be polite to those people who use vulgar on me lor..not worth my time
Originally posted by StarPuppy:can hint hint...err
we are from korea..
korea? bank ar?
Originally posted by rlsh07:
korea? bank ar?
nono.. we more known for our sound systems...otherwise
a clear hint would be our handphones...should know de..very famous
oh i knoe le. hmm.. hahaha i think i knoe le
Originally posted by Nata|ie:
Being polite to these ppl are saving ur own arse. In case they say u rude ma... even thou got voice recording la, still need to wayang abit.
but seriously..should tell those arrogant customers to shaddup
i feel very sian nowadays..people in singapore know how to complain..listen to people complain gov..make me want to blow up
Originally posted by rlsh07:oh i knoe le. hmm.. hahaha i think i knoe le
lol..tell me start with wat letter
okie ladies and gents...i need to sleep
if not tomorrow i confirm scold everyone customers including innocent ones
thank you for having a nice convo tonight..sleep early and have a good week ahead
start with uncle sam hor... haha
Originally posted by Nata|ie:I think a better choice will be, “Sir/Mdm, I’m afraid I have to ask you to calm down. If you still continue your usage of vulgarities, I’m afraid I have to end this call.”
i'll freaking "clack" my phone if my cust scold vulgarities...
It is wrong to vent ur anger on the customer service, but if u are in the customer perspective and juz having rip off or treated very badly, who do u think will be the 1st one to get ur wrath? Not to mention having to wait on the line for ages b4 u get to put thing rite, ie if they can set thing rite after the complaint.
Customer service related job are the front line and bound to b the one getting most of the sh1t, esp those handling customer complaint.
Originally posted by EarlNeo:It is wrong to vent ur anger on the customer service, but if u are in the customer perspective and juz having rip off or treated very badly, who do u think will be the 1st one to get ur wrath? Not to mention having to wait on the line for ages b4 u get to put thing rite, ie if they can set thing rite after the complaint.
Customer service related job are the front line and bound to the one getting most of the sh1t, esp those handling customer complaint.
morning..i understand..but i never shout at a CSO before..its just that those people who are the angry siao ones..must learn to understand if they were in our shoes
sometime, ppl call the customer service with the intention of venting their anger rather then solving the actual problem. Whatever it is, they are bound to get 3 sh1t out of every 5 calls.
Originally posted by EarlNeo:sometime, ppl call the customer service with the intention of venting their anger rather then solving the actual problem. Whatever it is, they are bound to get 3 sh1t out of every 5 calls.
that is so so true..espcially with singapore culture..always want to complain to CEO..blah blah
anyway..hows ur day? :)
Thanks for asking. It is a bad start. Turn out that the thing i done last friday wasnt as finish as i hope. Now trying to resolve the remaining issue b4 ican move on. sigh... itis gona be another long day.
Wat abt u? hows ur start on this blue day?
Woah new crapbox ah.
Welcome back.... seoti....
Now done with that, u can go MIA again.
Bye u go....
hahah. Yea. I only free today. Cos got some sch holiday thing. Aft today i will MIA again~~~!
Bump Bump bump.