i have never been attached my life, don't know why.. all the girls i jio end up running away with other guys, the worst being.. run away with a friend..
anyways, i don't blame anyone because i think my standard is very high
i seek perfection.. thought i am not perfect myself
a few months i was just 3 words away from getting my first girlfriend
erm, it started a few weeks after orientation we got to know each other but there was a guy from her class always stick with her.. and he was aware of me and always when im around, he would stick close to her like what.. that time me and my friend were interested and he was pissed with that guy and said "i know i no match for you, but i rather you have her than that guy"
i asked her many times does she like that guy, she said no and found him annoying because he damn flirt..
so one day she finally said, she likes me.. but at this point, i felt she wasn't the one.. her mindset all those totally different from mine.. thogh her outlook were somewhat close..
i admitted that i also liked her, she said she know and she was waiting for me to ask her only.. but i didn't.. after this..
we didn't talk for 3 weeks..
the 2nd was this..
http://www.sgforums.com/?action=thread_display&thread_id=265926by the time my friend jio, i already not interested because too ah lian for me liao..
btw, they just broke up.. then she came to me asking for help all those, told her to forget about him and after a few days she thanked me.. then i think she likes me now la.. seeing at what she's doing..
anyway... is it just me? or others? am i seeking the impossible perfect?