Anyone knows how to make one? probably simple one..or if complicated also can. Wanting to make a few for my instructions and materials!
been waiting to make one but those on the internet are too complicated or the materials are hard to find..
Google is your fren..
i learnt from the net.
I only know how to make a ribbon rose. I have learnt it by visual step by step demo from others too. So, I do not have any instructions sheet to send to you.
But I do know how to make a flower card just like this one :
Thanks for the link, eagle! :)
I didn't see this type of paper rose before. It seems quite complicated to me. :)
wow. interesting ribbon rose.
Thanks, cApitaland! :)
Make Straw rose. haha. More challenging. i used to make sponge rose very very very long ago.
thanks everyone for e links and stuff. will try!
And @ the reply of googling it...i have tried and most of these things are abit too difficult for me or another way harder to do. so yeah, i came here and asked for help :)