gute morgen! time for brekkie!
rain liao
gutsy wind + rain
glad i'm indoors
done with dinner ~
havent even prep mine yet!
wad sup
nothing much. you? how's school?
still awaiting an email reply..
think I'm the one of the few who checks & reply emails promptly..
Originally posted by cassie:nothing much. you? how's school?
cloudflare error spotted ~
havent got that problem
no prob on my end either
so "comforting" to know that I'm the only one..
or perhaps, maybe its not ur turn yet..
touch wood!
yesterday, due to busy-ness that I left my water bottle in office..
but heng I got another spare one to bring today..
so in conclusion, I brought home 2 water bottles today..
how much water does the bottle hold? 1L? 1.5L?
I'm using the 32oz (aka 1L) nalgene wide mouth bottle..
one of the best bottles that really lived up to my standard..
i just take water from the pantry
all water parade already?