Originally posted by AEW5001:after dinner it's time to book in once again.
where are you stationed?
sembawang camp
at least for one more month.
pink ranger, get ready for yr enlistment lah.
wait for another 2 more years
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):
wait for another 2 more years
2 years will very quickly become 2 hours
* drives out
prolly be back on sat
Originally posted by cassie:
2 years will very quickly become 2 hours
what's the show about?
i've only taken the BTS (their version of MRT), taxis and tuk-tuks in thailand
what are you eyeing?
what's your cut-off pricing?
my friend was in tokyo for the marathon at the end of feb and he said it was way way cheaper there...but was wary of buying any camera related stuff coz of the warranty issue
welcome back! from din i suppose?
morning everyone~~