Originally posted by Haneys88:Indonesian grls NOT women are very pretty. Guess they grow uglier when they age. HAHA.
Filipinos have nice skin and i like the way they talk english.
Koreans omg omg omg, gotta love those drama heart throbs and snow skin actresses.
Snow skin? Sound like moon cake liao.
U gotta be kidding. Koreans are the most plastic and Filipinos have the worst english accent in the world. Indians would give them a gd run for their money.
Originally posted by mlmersrlosers:singapore
Originally posted by Haneys88:Indonesian grls NOT women are very pretty. Guess they grow uglier when they age. HAHA.
Filipinos have nice skin and i like the way they talk english.
Koreans omg omg omg, gotta love those drama heart throbs and snow skin actresses.
Snow skin? Sound like moon cake liao.
100 bucks say u never go korea before
korea are famous for their plastic surgery. u would not know whether they are natural a not
Originally posted by mlmersrlosers:singapore
Originally posted by Scania N113CRB l0v3r:American
Kinda hard to believe, with two-thirds of their population being overweight and fully a third of them clinically obese.
Originally posted by Meia Gisborn:Kinda hard to believe, with two-thirds of their population being overweight and fully a third of them clinically obese.
maybe he wanted to say native americans
i think ang moh country has the most good looking man..
Where else but Singapore? The yandaos and chiobus are here.
Originally posted by thehappybunny:Jamaica
ya nuh see?
most country within the asia border