Originally posted by guard_01:Stiletto-knife that is sharpened on both sides of the blade
Switchblade-a knife with either OTF(Out The Front) or OTS(Out The Side) deployment.
A good choice of weapon to be deployed fast.
pocket knife-a name for a set of tools...which includes a knife blade. quite handy for some tasks.
Penknife-sometimes known as cutter, this type of knife is suitable for slashing,stabbing. known to deploy noisily with a tut-tut-tut sound.
Singleblade knife-with a shealth as the only protection, you should be careful with this 1.
Singleblade knife(folded)- a knife blade with a plastic body. requires sharpening depending on models.
-All knifes have potential to kill and should be handled carefully.-[/b]
I... didn't show you anything...Originally posted by guard_01:Full tang knife? the one you showed me?