Why aren't there any secularist/atheist groups out to help needy people? Just like christians send missionaries to other countries to help the poor and spread their religion.
This is why ignorant and uneducated people fall prey to bad idealogy, then get educated wrongly.
There are charitable organisations that don't claim any religion. If they claimed to be athetist, how much donations would they lose? Better to stay neutral right? Unlike churches, athetists are a smaller number = less donations.
u see any religion of the books (a book which binds the followers and the religion revolves around it) is always a more united bunch as the people has a sense of following towards it (i.e. a direction)
to make atheism work the same way, make the atheism book another religious book, and *boom* another religion is created
whether or not the contents in the religious books are factual, scientific, true, what makes religious fervents because believers *believes* they are true
Originally posted by dAiyAm0nd0:then educate the population, and raise that number?
january, do it, since you’re so passionate about spreading atheism, enough to start a forum.
but u must change your way of trying to convert people.
telling people they’re fools won’t make them listen to u.
imagine a christian telling u, be baptized now or you’ll burn in hell for eternity. =)
by setting up the forum and posting once a while in the forum is already contributing already loh.... i not rich person ok.. spreading atheism is not my priority...
buying my bread is!!