A cyclone, an act of nature. Just that, and 10 000 people is perished. Just like that. Forever gone, and not existing anymore, these 10 000 people.
10 000 is such a huge amount. So huge. No wonder people say that human lives are cheap sometimes. Just one single event can create so many death tolls. Ashes to ashes , dust to dust. Wonder how will i die. Premature or mature death?
Shit man. Still have to work tomolo and slog off. Feeling sleepy liaoz........
I remember when Lydia Sum died. THe papers were chasing after the death and churning out stories and gossips. Anyway, 10 000 people can just die like that so easily, does not it make the probability of one person dying, as in me, much much easier?Zzzzz....
u already say liao
dust to dust, ashes to ashes
we are a part of planet earth, and we will go back to it again
yah.... it amazes me that I have been living for 25 years rather safely while reading about so many deaths that happen in other countries. Its ironic also, because really, usually its hard to die even though i read news once in a while about deaths of large number of people.
Most people in world lives on, survives and die at old age. That being said, I always tell me not to be surprised if I were to die tomolo. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......
You said we were part of planet earth. U forget to say that earth is a small insignificant stone in the galaxy. Human lives are comparable to molecules....
blame the military junta who incurred the wrath of god.
Originally posted by FirePig:blame the military junta who incurred the wrath of god.
Well, if indeed the junta make the god angry, than God must be really stupid and evil to create the disaster.
Anyway, according to believers.. its part of god's plan that the 10 000 people died. I rubbished such ideas though.
Humans die because natural disaster is a powerful and dangerous event in earth. Such destructive event because of geography and processes of physical earth. These event in itself are neutral because they are not created or caused with the intention to kill humans. It is just that living things always has to face with the problem of their physical environments and try to protect themselves from events that are dangerous.
I believe that if there is a kind and loving God like what believers speak of, he wouldnt have killed so many people la, unless he is really a wrathful and cruel one. Anyway i dont believe in God so i wont be questioning much. I believe in Karma.