: The Bible is a compilation of trashy, incoherent, confabulated, incredible tales, poems, sagas, and pieces of dramas. It is full of hatred, murder greed falsehoods, lust, sado-masochism, absurdities, contradictions, stupidities.
T: Don't you know that the Bible was written by God and that every word in it is inspired and divine?
A:" Since there is not now and never has been a god, it world be rather difficult for him to write a book. Incidentally, every religion in the world has claimed a sacred book. Your Bible is one one of these. Some of the other great sacred books are the Veda, the Koran the Torah, the Upanishads, the Oahspe. Each one of them was "written by a god " too.
Actually no one wrote any book at any time. That's obvious when one sees the conflicting claims of all these god books.
In respect to the Bible, your Judeo-Christian book, no one knows who wrote what, or where, or when. It is particularly difficult with the New Testament. There was no Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. It looks now as if there never was even a Paul. ff there was, there is much debate over whether he did or did not write any of the letters ascribed to him.
What is the Bible?
The Bible is one of twenty-seven books for which divine origin is claimed. Christians deny the divinity of all bibles but their own. We deny the divinity of only one more than they do.
Out of 250 Jewish-Christian writings, sixty-six have arbitrarily been declared cannonical by Protestants. The rejected books are of the same general character as those now published together as The Holy Bible. Circumstances rather than merit determined selection.
For 150 years the Christian Bible consisted of the sacred books of the Jews. The New Testament was not formed until the later half of the second century, when Irenaeus selected twenty books from among forty or more gospels, nearly as many acts of apostles, a score of revelations, and a hundred epistles. Why were these particular books chosen? Why four gospels instead of one? lreneaus: "There are four quarters of the earth in which we live and four universal winds." The Gospels were unknown to Peter, Paul, and the early Church Fathers. They were forged later.
The Bible did not assume anything like its present form until the fourth century. The Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, and Protestant canons were not adopted until modern times. The Bible was recognized as a collection of independent writings. The Council of Trent (1563) determined the Roman Catholic canon, consisting of seventy-two books. The Romanists anathemize the Protestant Bible, and the Protestants denounce the Catholic Bible as a "popish imposture." The Greek Catholics at the Council of Jerusalem in 1647 approved the list of sixty-six book, composing the Authorized Version, the one most used in America. Our Bible, therefore, is less than three hundred years old. Adoption was by majority vote.
None of the men contributing most to form the canon accepted all these books. Chrysostom (347?. -4077, Patriarch of Constantinople), who named the Bible, rejected six of the sixty-six -- Esther, Jonah, Hebrews, James, Jude, and Revelation. Calvin ( 1509-1564, French theologian and reformer in Switzerland ) excluded Revelation as unintelligible. Thomas Jefferson: "It is between fifty and sixty years since I read the Apocalypse (Revelation), and I then considered it merely the ravings of a maniac... What has not meaning admits of no explanation."
The so-called Books of Moses were not written by Moses. Their language did not exist in his age. They record his death and burial (Deut. 34:5-6) and refer to persons of a later date (Gen. 36:31-39). A life of Washington naming Lincoln cannot be by Washington. For forty-two proofs that Moses did not write these five books, see "The Bible" by Ramsburg. They were produced centuries later, and are of a composite character, being compiled after the Babylonian captivity, from four sources. The internal evidence of later origin is irrefutable. Tell-tale phrases and thoughts occur throughout Hilkiah's "findings" of these books ( 2 Kings 22:8) was a pious fraud.
Bible scholars have declared against Mosaic authorship. George Smith of the British Museum unearthed Assyrian terra-cotta tablets older than the Books of Moses, which give accounts of the Creation, the Temptation, the Tower of Babel, and the Flood virtually identical with the Genesis accounts. The Babylonian first man was named Adami. Adam and Eve are not referred to again in the Old Testament.
The Higher Critics have won. Their victory makes the Fall of Man a fiction and the Atonement an absurdity. The descendants of apes need no savior.
The Pagan Sources of Christianity
" He who knows only one religion knows none. " - PROF. MAX MULLER
" The same thing which is now called CHRISTIAN RELIGION existed among the Ancients.They have
begun to call Christian the true religion which existed before. " -- ST. AUGUSTINE
" Our love for what is old, our reverence for what our fathers used, makes us keep still in the church,and on the very altar cloths, symbols which would excite the smile of an Oriental, and lead him to wonder why we send missionaries to his land, while cherishing his faith in ours. " - JAMES BONWICK.
" Christianity was founded upon existing ideas, and it can thank the destruction of Alexandrian library
which held real proof of its existence...Christianity grew naturally from preceding religions, many older and more superior. The logos idea came from Neo-Platonism, the God-idea from Judaism, baptism from the Essense, Communium from Zoroastraism, and a world-saviour from Paganism.....Mithraic mysteries were taken almost completely into Christianity.
" In a plagarism of the older religions, Christianity has in the book of Proverbs copied several chapters word for word from the writings of the Egyptain sage Amenethope. Paul's gospel came from the Samaritian versions of the Sanskrit version of the Deva Bodhisatra of Singapore.
The Jews had appropriate the book of Daniel from the book of Zoroaster and the book of Revelation is likewise a type of knowledge known in pre-Christian days and also connected with the writings of Zoroaster. The four gospels are re-hashed and partial discourses on The Four Phases of the Buddha's life being bought from Singapore by Appptonious of Tyana "
( "Christianity-Mankind's Greatest Misfortune "- by Marie Harlowe,Michigan, U.S.A. )
References on the Pagan Sources of Christianity are:
"Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions being a comparsion of the Old and New Testament Myths and Miracles with those of Heathen Nations Of Antiquity considering also their Origin and Meaning "- by T.W. Doane reprinted in 1948 published by the Truth Seekers, New York.
"Christianity Before Christ" by John G.Jackson published by American Atheist Press Austin,Texas 1958
Joachim Kal graduate in theology of Phillips University, Marburg, states: "The ignorance of most Christians is largely due to the scanty information provided by theologians and ecclesiastical historians, who know two ways of concealing the scandalous facts of their books. They either twist reality into its exact opposite or conceal it . Both methods amount to cheating the faithful.
Dr. Robert Kehl Zurich, writes in connection with the falsifications:' Frequently the same passage has been "corrected" in the opposite sense by another, depending entirely on which dogmatic view had to be defended in the relevant school. At all events, a completely chaotic text and irremediable confusion has al ready arisen owing to individual "corrections", but even more so to deliberate ones.' And the priest Jean Schorter, for many years spiritual adviser to the Cathedral of Saint-Pierre, Geneva, came to the conclusion that the theory of " the total inspiration of the Bible " and the idea that " God was its authors " were untenable: this idea clashed so fiercely with the most elementary knowledge of earthy human reason and is refuted so clearly by the Bible itself, that it could only be defended by ignorant evangelists and a flock devoid of any kind of general culture.
Dr. Johannes Lehmann, co-translator of a modern edition of the Bible, says: " The evangelists are interpreters, not bibliographers; they have not illuminated what had grown dark with the passages of generations, but obscured what was still light. They have not written history, but made history. They did not want to report, but to justify. "
Dr. Robert Kehl, Zurich, writes in connection with the falsification: " Frequently the same passage had been" corrected " in the opposite sense by another, depending entirely on which dogmatic view had to be defended in the relevant school. At all events, a completely chaotic text and irremediable confusion has already arisen owing to individual " corrections", but even more so to deliberate ones."
Jachim Kahl: " The Misery of Christianity, Harmondswoth, 1971.
Johannes Lehmann: " The Jesus Report", Souvenir Press, London, 1972.
Robert Kehl, " Die Religion des modernen Menschen, No 6a, Stiftung fur univrerselle Religion,Zurich.
updated. Jean Schorer: Pourquoi je suis devenu un chretien liberal, 8 Vortrage, Geneva, 1949
Prophecies They were generally written after the fact. When the bible compliers were not doing that they were making prophecies so broad that they were bound to be interpreted as having come to pass earlier. Prophecies are often vague in expression and can be interpreted in any sense to suit any purpose. Fulfillments of prophecies can also be arranged and engineered, such as the formation of the state of Israel (2Chron:9-8,2Samuel 7:10) by the Christian countries in 1948. We can prophesy to. "There will be wars and rumours of wars." That's our prophecy, and it is just as true now when we prophesy it as when if prophesied in Matthew 24:6 and in Mark13:7. Adam to die on the day he ate the apple. (Gen.2:16,17) .Adam and Eve did not die in the day on which they ate the forbidden fruit but they lived to the ripe old age of nine hundred and thirty years. (Gen.5:5) Cain was to be a wanderer. Gen.4:9-12. And the Lord said unto Cain...., " A fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth. " But in Gen. 16,17, Cain lived a settled life. He dwelt "in the land of Nod and builded a city and called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch." Damascus to be destroyed. "Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. (Isa. 17:10) Damascus has been fortunate rather than otherwise. It is still in a fairly prosperous condition. Egypt to be utterly desolate (Ezek. 29:9-14)....."And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste..." Egypt is still flourising in this century. Jesus to be enthroned as King of the Jews. Luke 1:32,33. " The Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever." As Jesus never received the throne of David, nor reigned over the House of Jacob, who indeed rejected him, it is still unfulfilled, for the Jews still reject the Gospel. Jesus predicted his return within the lifetime of some of his hearers (Matt. 16: 28).` This passage show clearly that Christ's coming in power and glory to judge the quick and the dead was to take place during the time of then-existing persons. Most of the true prophecies were written after the event. The Bible ends with an unfulfilled prophecy. Second-hand revelation is hearsay. Christianity is based on falsehood. Two Cosmogonies Genesis contains two accounts of creation. The first includes chapter 1 and the first three verses of chapter 2; the second account comprises the remainder of chapter 2. They contradict each other. In the first, trees are created before man. In one, man and woman are made at the same time; in the other, woman is an afterthought. The break in the story between verses three and four of the second chapter is obvious. For eighteen contradictions in the two accounts of creation, see "The Bible." The aim of the first is to make the Sabbath a holy day; of the second, to establish the doctrines of the Fall of Man and the Subjection of Woman. Sabbath observance is as superstitious as observance of Friday the thirteenth. The Sabbath and the word "Sabbath" were borrowed from the Babylonians. That the Fall of Man is fiction is tacitly taught in nearly every American high school by teaching Evolution. Civilizations rose and fell before the Jews ever heard of the Creation myth given in Genesis. "Evolutionist" Christian, did man fall before or after becoming an ape? Also, with which man does the Bible genealogy going back to Adam become fictitious? Evolution ousts the Bible from the schools. Two Flood Stories Two contradictory reports of the Flood are intermingled in Chs. 6, 7, and 8 of Genesis. According to one (7:2), clean beasts went into the Ark by sevens; the other, by twos (7:8-9). Flooding the world to destroy men is like burning a barn to kill rats; and the third, Deut. 5. they are contradictory. A ship 150yds. long, 25 wide, and 15 high (Gen.6:15) holds pairs, or sevens, fourteen, of every living thing. The Ark has three stories, but only one 27 in. window for ventilation (16). The Black Hole of Calcutta was nothing compared to the Ark. The water was five and one-half miles high over the earth. Gen.7:20.Where did it go ? Eight persons handled the world's greatest menagerie. The carnivorous animals required tons of flesh daily. The Flood story was copied from an old Babylonian myth. Bishop Colenso, translating the Bible for savages, was jolted out of Orthodoxy by the honest questions of his native assistant. This limerick immortalizes the event: " To the heretic Bishop of Natal, Whose doubts of the Deluge were fatal, Said an Infidel Zulu, "Do you believe that, you fool, you ?' ' No, I don't, said the Bishop of Natal." Confess, O Priests, the Flood is fiction. The Ten Commandments The first Ten Commandments is in Ex.20; the second, Ex 34; and the third, Deut.5. They are contradictory. As a moral code, the Commandments are defective. The first four have no moral value. The first three deal with relations to God, not Man. The Bible God commanded the breaking of all the commandments, except those involving himself. He gave orders to steal (Ex. 3:21-2), kill (Ex. 32:27), commit adultery (Hosea 1:2), and incited the Jews to appropriate the property of their neighbors (Deut. 20:10-17). The first commandment reflects upon God as conceited; the second prohibits the arts of painting, sculpture, and photography; the third says that God is jealous (jealousy is a vice) and that he visits the iniquity of the fathers upon children - a manifest injustice; the fourth, establishing the Sabbath, because God rested on the seventh day ( first Ten Commandments) or because "he delivered his people on that day" ( the third Ten Commandments), is broken by all but a few Jews; the fifth gives a selfish and false reason for honoring parents; and the tenth classes wives with asses and other chattels, and recognizes slavery. The Hebrew word translated "servant" means "slave." The Ten Commandments do not restrain wife,child,and slave beaters, religious persecutors, liars ( except in court ), or tyrants. The Decalogue needs debunking. Disharmony of the Gospels (Modernists, please note) What did Judas do with the thirty pieces of silver? Returned them to the chief priest (Matt. 27:3 -5). Bought a field with them (Acts 1: 18). For more than five hundred contradictions in the four gospels, see "The Christ" by Remsberg and also "the Bible Handbook" published by the American Atheist Press, Austin, Texas. Address is available from the Internet. Yahoo – “American Atheist Press” If four witnesses in court contradicted each other as the evangelists do, they would be prosecuted for perjury, and convicted. Thomas Jefferson found in the gospel history of Jesus "a groundwork of vulgar ignorance, of things impossible, of superstitions, fanaticisms, and fabrications," (Mere., Cot., & Misc., ed. by T.J. Randolph, vol. 4, p. 325). Christianity evolved from paganism. Christmas is a Pagan festival, celebrating the sun's return Northward. Easter is of Pagan origin. Its movable date disproves its commemorating the resurrection of anyone. Sermon on the Mount The Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5,6,7) consists largely of romantic nonsense. Its good doctrines were not original and were copied and modified from the Buddhist Scripture called the Dharpamada.. Non-resistance to evil (5:39-42), improvidence (6: 19-34) and dependence on prayer (6:6) are antisocial. Jesus-thinking ignores reality. It doesn't work. This sermon is a literary composition. It was never preached. Reason Condemned (Sunday School Teachers, please note) "Of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it" (Gen. 2: 17). "The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God." (1 Cor. 3:19) "We are fools for Christ's sake." (1 Cor. 4:10) "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy." (Col. 2:8) "Not many wise men . . . not many noble are called." (1 Cor. 1:26) Martin Luther: "Reason should be destroyed in all Christians." Henry Buckle ( 1821-1862, English historian): "The Clergy, with a few honorable exceptions, have in all modern countries been the avowed enemies of the diffusion of knowledge." Robert Green Ingersoll ( 1833-1899,America's greatest Agnostic and Orator ):" It is claimed that every member of the church has solemnly agreed never to outgrow the creed; that he has pledged himself to remain an intellectual dwarf. Upon this condition the church agrees to save his soul, and he hands over his brains to bind the bargain.....with scraps of dogma and crumbs of doctrine, he agrees that his soul shall be satisfied forever... Growth is heresy. "
Genesis contains two accounts of creation. The first includes chapter 1 and the first three verses of chapter 2; the second account comprises the remainder of chapter 2. They contradict each other. In the first, trees are created before man. In one, man and woman are made at the same time; in the other, woman is an afterthought. The break in the story between verses three and four of the second chapter is obvious.
For eighteen contradictions in the two accounts of creation, see "The Bible." The aim of the first is to make the Sabbath a holy day; of the second, to establish the doctrines of the Fall of Man and the Subjection of Woman. Sabbath observance is as superstitious as observance of Friday the thirteenth. The Sabbath and the word "Sabbath" were borrowed from the Babylonians.
That the Fall of Man is fiction is tacitly taught in nearly every American high school by teaching Evolution.
Civilizations rose and fell before the Jews ever heard of the Creation myth given in Genesis.
"Evolutionist" Christian, did man fall before or after becoming an ape? Also, with which man does the Bible genealogy going back to Adam become fictitious? Evolution ousts the Bible from the schools.
Two contradictory reports of the Flood are intermingled in Chs. 6, 7, and 8 of Genesis. According to one (7:2), clean beasts went into the Ark by sevens; the other, by twos (7:8-9).
Flooding the world to destroy men is like burning a barn to kill rats; and the third, Deut. 5. they are contradictory.
A ship 150yds. long, 25 wide, and 15 high (Gen.6:15) holds pairs, or sevens, fourteen, of every living thing. The Ark has three stories, but only one 27 in. window for ventilation (16). The Black Hole of Calcutta was nothing compared to the Ark. The water was five and one-half miles high over the earth. Gen.7:20.Where did it go ? Eight persons handled the world's greatest menagerie. The carnivorous animals required tons of flesh daily. The Flood story was copied from an old Babylonian myth.
Bishop Colenso, translating the Bible for savages, was jolted out of Orthodoxy by the honest questions of his native assistant. This limerick immortalizes the event:
" To the heretic Bishop of Natal,
Whose doubts of the Deluge were fatal,
Said an Infidel Zulu,
"Do you believe that, you fool, you ?'
' No, I don't, said the Bishop of Natal."
Confess, O Priests, the Flood is fiction.
The first Ten Commandments is in Ex.20; the second, Ex 34; and the third, Deut.5. They are contradictory.
As a moral code, the Commandments are defective. The first four have no moral value. The first three deal with relations to God, not Man. The Bible God commanded the breaking of all the commandments, except those involving himself. He gave orders to steal (Ex. 3:21-2), kill (Ex. 32:27), commit adultery (Hosea 1:2), and incited the Jews to appropriate the property of their neighbors (Deut. 20:10-17).
The first commandment reflects upon God as conceited; the second prohibits the arts of painting, sculpture, and photography; the third says that God is jealous (jealousy is a vice) and that he visits the iniquity of the fathers upon children - a manifest injustice; the fourth, establishing the Sabbath, because God rested on the seventh day ( first Ten Commandments) or because "he delivered his people on that day" ( the third Ten Commandments), is broken by all but a few Jews; the fifth gives a selfish and false reason for honoring parents; and the tenth classes wives with asses and other chattels, and recognizes slavery. The Hebrew word translated "servant" means "slave."
The Ten Commandments do not restrain wife,child,and slave beaters, religious persecutors, liars ( except in court ), or tyrants.
The Decalogue needs debunking.
(Modernists, please note)
What did Judas do with the thirty pieces of silver? Returned them to the chief priest (Matt. 27:3 -5). Bought a field with them (Acts 1: 18).
For more than five hundred contradictions in the four gospels, see "The Christ" by Remsberg and also "the Bible Handbook" published by the American Atheist Press, Austin, Texas. Address is available from the Internet. Yahoo – “American Atheist Press”
If four witnesses in court contradicted each other as the evangelists do, they would be prosecuted for
perjury, and convicted.
Thomas Jefferson found in the gospel history of Jesus "a groundwork of vulgar ignorance, of things
impossible, of superstitions, fanaticisms, and fabrications," (Mere., Cot., & Misc., ed. by T.J. Randolph, vol. 4, p. 325).
Christianity evolved from paganism. Christmas is a Pagan festival, celebrating the sun's return Northward.
Easter is of Pagan origin. Its movable date disproves its commemorating the resurrection of anyone.
The Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5,6,7) consists largely of romantic nonsense. Its good doctrines were not original and were copied and modified from the Buddhist Scripture called the Dharpamada.. Non-resistance to evil (5:39-42), improvidence (6: 19-34) and dependence on prayer (6:6) are antisocial. Jesus-thinking ignores reality. It doesn't work. This sermon is a literary composition. It was never preached.
(Sunday School Teachers, please note)
"Of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it" (Gen. 2: 17).
"The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God." (1 Cor. 3:19)
"We are fools for Christ's sake." (1 Cor. 4:10)
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy." (Col. 2:8)
"Not many wise men . . . not many noble are called." (1 Cor. 1:26)
Martin Luther: "Reason should be destroyed in all Christians."
Henry Buckle ( 1821-1862, English historian): "The Clergy, with a few honorable exceptions, have in all modern countries been the avowed enemies of the diffusion of knowledge."
Robert Green Ingersoll ( 1833-1899,America's greatest Agnostic and Orator ):" It is claimed that every member of the church has solemnly agreed never to outgrow the creed; that he has pledged himself to remain an intellectual dwarf. Upon this condition the church agrees to save his soul, and he hands over his brains to bind the bargain.....with scraps of dogma and crumbs of doctrine, he agrees that his soul shall be satisfied forever... Growth is heresy. "
You anti-Christ?