It is inevitable that here will be inter-religion comparisons. In a secular country like SG, we are fortunate to be exposed to different religions and philosophies, so each individual has a choice (theorectically!!!!). In truth, there is always the subtle pressure, some no choice, some wants to go to heaven, some fear offending gods, and so forth.
Without knowing other religions, we are not in any better position to decide which faith to adopt. Most people wouldn't be bothered or take the trouble to find out or want to learn. Just go for the promises, never dare to ask questions, believe blindly. Ignorance and fear gripe these people. Even if for instance, they are Christians, when they found later that Christianity is not what they could believe, yet they don't have the courage to stand up and make a change. Same go for other religions too. Some even considered it a sin or apostasy to change faith. That is tyranny and persecution but how many would stand up and say so?
The best is to be a FREE-THINKER. Free to accept or reject. No particular faith to stuck to and hold on to blindly and assiduously. There is no proof or dis-proof about a 'supernatural' unseen being - whatever it is call!
Every religion has moral teachings that closely parallels the thoughts of philosophers past and present, including my great-granny. Accept the good and meaningful, reject the bad and nonsense.
Religion is like a package - comes with good, bad, ridicularities, customs, supersititions, prejudice, irrelevance, spiritualism, sense and nonsense. It would take a genius to sort these out. Ever wonder why geniuses are free-thinkers?