don't really understand the logic though.
I get the impression from a number of articles that Christians think they will bring peace if they bring the christian gospel to these countries. Don't they realise that Islamic fundamentalists feel the same way? That if they whole world converted to Islam, there would be peace?
It reminds me of the debate over school prayer and distribution of religious materials at school. Christians were complaining heavily that liberals were trying to ban god from school. To bolster their case, they conducted a campaign of misinformation and deceit in order to gain support for their religious agenda. The crux of their complaint was that they felt that their religious freedom was being violated.
First, they claimed that prayer was being banned in school. That was in fact, untrue. Students were still allowed to pray in school. It was just that no school authority figure could lead a prayer, nor could there be time set aside in the school schedule for prayer. For example, a coach could not ask the basketball team to come together to pray before a game. However, the students can do so individually.
The other issue was distribution of religious materials. Students often were given materials to bring home - eg. appeals for money, permission for school trips. Sometimes, this materials included bible readings and other 'morality' lessons. This was also banned.
In some cases, the religious right won just because the school district did not have enough money to fight the case, or the school board was filled with fundamentalist Christians.
However, they all want to change back the rules when the school starts allowing Hindu prayers or Muslim prayers, or if they see religious materials from other faiths. One parent barged into the school saying that she did not want her child exposed to this 'filth'.
If they don't want the rules changed back, they will argue that "the United States is a Christian nation," as the justification of why only Christianity should be allowed.