Time Magazine article: Korean Missionaries Draw Fire at Home
http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1647646,00.htmlA couple of interesting things I've noticed about this article. First of all, there seems to be more criticism from within Korea than anywhere else.
Secondly, there seems to be little coverage on this within the US. This story doesn't appear on Google News front page nor does it appear on CNN or USA Today.
Extracts from the article that I found interesting:
...the Seoul government has had to ask Korean bloggers to back off from online attacks on the hostages. Critics were particularly incensed by photos posted of some of the young women missionaries posing in front of an Afghanistan travel advisory sign at Seoul's Incheon International Airport. Family members of the missionaries — as well as members of the Sammeul Community Church south of Seoul, which sent the mission — also issued public apologies for causing the country so much grief.
It seems there's a certain amount of pride related to the willingness to place oneself in harm's way in order to offer aid.
But non-evangelical Koreans are still scratching their heads over why the Saemmul church group trotted off to such a volatile region, thumbing its nose at government warnings not to enter Afghanistan.
I also thought this paragraph was very telling"
An unfortunate side to the evangelical movement in Korea is increased competition. Churches number in the tens of thousands here, and are competing so intensely for members that pastors feel pressured to engage in a kind of one-upmanship: sending congregants on as many overseas missions as possible. New markets and riskier missions tend to garner more publicity, which until now has translated into more kudos and ultimately more money for the pastor and the church.
I think we've all seen this kind of thing before - where your faith is measured by what you are willing to do or sacrifice. You are a 'better' Christian if you are willing to give up a greater percentage of your income to the Church. You are a better Christian the more time you spend doing Church activities. You are a better Christian if you only listen to Christian music and not secular music. So on so forth.
It reminds me of when I heard a pastor tell the congregation, "you are supposed to tithe 10% of your income. But that's the bare minimum. If you give the minimum to God, how can you expect God to do anything more than the minimum for you? If you want great things from God, you must first be willing to so great devotion to God."
Of course, 'devotion' here means cold hard cash.
"It will definitely lead to a purge at churches" on the peninsula, says Douglas Shin, a pastor involved in missionary activities with North Koreans. "People will wonder if it is worth the risk now, and donors will probably withhold more funds because they fear they could be causing someone harm." Though Shin believes the Afghanistan mission was sincere, he expects that what he calls "camcorder missions" — assignments that are more or less photo ops for groups looking money for supporters — to wane in the near future.