This might very well be the only church that I wouldn't mind attending.
Bruxy Cavey is the teaching pastor at The Meeting House, located in Canada.
He's also the author of the book "The End of Religion". In the book, he argues that Jesus' message was really to end religion.
One example he gave was from John 21 where he mentions that the lesson to learn was not the miracle of the water changing to wine, but the fact that Jesus desecrates religious icons. his life, Jesus continues to rebel against the authority of religious teachers and people in positions of religious power.
In an interview with Reginald Finley, the Infidel Guy, he mentions that in Revelation, it is specifically mentioned that there is no temple. He interprets that to mean that at the end of days, there will be no religious institutions. site is a bit slow but in my opinion, well worth the wait.