facts could disprove evolution
Special to the Courier & Press
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
This past May, Ken Ham and his foundation, Answers in Genesis, finished their creation museum in Kentucky. Before the paint could dry, the criticism from the media began. I read the scoffing in various reports and saw the condescending smiles of scientists on the networks later that evening. One of the things that provoked them was that in this museum, dinosaurs exist alongside human beings.
The word for these extinct creatures has changed over time. The word "dinosaur" was coined in the late 1800s. Dinosaurs have been celebrated in sculpture, cave art and pottery of the ancient civilizations of Peru, long before there were textbooks. In Glen Rose, Texas, some have asserted, there are fossilized human footprints alongside ones made by dinosaurs, as they existed together inside a dried-out riverbed.
There were many species that became extinct over the many years of our existence. They died without any asteroid "rebooting" our planet.
We should, as a society, respect the logical opinions of others. When scientists state that evolution is a fact, without giving credibility to other valid data, I believe that is not fair.
We had the privilege of hearing Ham when he was in Evansville a few years ago. Then a little more than a year ago, we again were privileged to hear lectures by former evolutionist and atheist Mike Riddle and astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle. These men had compelling information to offer. It is wrong to censor these views from minds that are searching for other theories.
Riddle, a former Microsoft trainer, spoke of the Miller experiment, which produced amino acids inside a test tube. When oxygen was added, the experiment failed. Imagine, this key element to life prohibits any organic molecules from forming.
According to Lisle, laser reflectors left behind on the moon's surface by the Apollo astronauts revealed that our lunar neighbor moves a little over an inch farther away from us each year.
How many billions of years earlier was it scraping our mountaintops?
One of Lisle's associates calculated the amount of emissions given off by the various belts of Jupiter shortly before the Voyager probe visited it in the early '80s. The data returned was in sync with the thousands of years that the mathematics Ph.D. had suggested. The spacecraft had no knowledge of the Bible.
Years ago my science textbook had illustrations suggesting that our sun gave birth to the Earth and other planets, but this was not the apparent case in a section of the Orion nebula known as M22, where "orphan" planets exist, some orbiting each other without any nearby star.
It is not my intent to start an argument or debate; please save your hate mail for someone else. However, as some scientists are brassy enough to skip from theory to fact without all the evidence, it is only fair to make others aware that we do not have all the facts, and that additional exciting information is arriving in our generation — data so simple even a cave man can understand it.
Tom McVeety is a resident of Evansville.