Westboro Baptist Church is the church behind the infamous
God Hates Fags website.
Their theology is very interesting to say the least. Fred Phelps, founder of Westboro Baptist, has justifications for all of his and his church's views. Here's a clip of him explaining the background of the term "God Hates Fags".
They are the very definition of inbred. Fred Phelps does not allow church members to marry outside the church.
Fred Phelps can be quite convincing. I listened to a debate where he presented his views. He draws all his justifications from the Bible but he explains it in a reasonable way. For example, when he talks about hatred, he claims it's not hatred as we understand it, but a kind of 'perfect' hatred.
Once again, I realise that most Christians do not share his views. In fact, his most vocal opponents are Christians. However, it is another example of religious extremism.