TalkOrigins CH131The passage saying the earth is round is Isaiah 40:22:
He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.The TalkOrigins article presents 2 arguments:
1. Bible authors believed the earth was a flat, round disc. This is consistent with other biblical writings.
2. Even if the word 'round' referred to a globe, it was already known during those periods that the earth was a globe.
An opposing view can be found
In my opinion, the argument only goes to show the level of mental gymnastics christian apologists are willing to go through to protect the bible. However, the fact remains that the bible really doesn't tell us anything. The bible is constantly being reinterpreted in light of knowledge gained through reason and science.
It is clear that that the Church thought the earth was flat. Even the most strident apologist can't do away with Galileo Galilei.
Some of course argue that the bible is not wrong. It was inspired by god and it is the fault of man that we did not interpret it correctly.
My response would be you would think that a perfect god would be able to grant clearer inspiration.[/url][/i][/quote]