Originally posted by Phaze:
I agree that outlawing or banning religion is too extreme. It's not anywhere near where I want to go in terms of activism.
As mentioned before, we essentially already live in a secular society. True, I think we give undue respect to religion. However, that respect is a pragmatic choice given our geographic location.
I do think that the Singapore govt has the right approach on this. The govt does not compromise on its objectives for a secular society. At the same time, it does all it can to accommodate religious beliefs within those boundaries.
Examples I would give include National Service and organ donation.
Setting govt policy aside, I strongly believe that people should have the right to believe and worship as they choose so long as they do not infringe on the basic human rights of others. And of course, I believe that those human rights should determined through secular means.
My family is Christian. My mother is deeply involved in church activities. My brother, who is now in Canada, used to be involved in Church activities 4-5 days a week. All his friends are Christians. I have several very good friends who are Christians. All of them are genuine believers. All of them are sincere. All of them pray that one day god will reveal himself to me and I will be saved.
When they try to preach to me, I try to explain why I am an atheist. And the only reason why I bother to explain is because I care for them and I love them.
I have no respect for religion. But that does not mean I do not respect my friends and my loved ones. I believe they are deluded in their beliefs, but that does not in any way make me respect or love them less as human beings.
I have absolutely no patience for those who would lie or misrepresent the views of others in order to further their own beliefs. Some Christians believe that it is alright to lie in order to 'win souls'. That, to me, is the ultimate hypocrisy.
I get angry when the undue respect we give religion allows groups like Scientology to seduce and brainwash people in to their fold.
I worry for my friend in City Harvest. He gives most of his income to his church. He believes there's no point saving money. He believes in the Rapture and that the Rapture is here. He's a caring person who is so concerned for his fellow man that he gets only 3 hours of sleep a night. He's desperately trying to win souls so that as many people as possible can be saved before Christ comes again.
I worry for my colleague. She is so rational in many ways but when it comes to her religion, she holds it to a different standard. She defends her religions with admirable passion and she cannot see her double standard. Perhaps she would also argue that you cannot hold god to the same standard as man. Why should we then, worship a god that says "do as I say but not as I do?" Her faith is very important to her and it's keeping her from living her life to the fullest.
I worry for people who put their faith in faith healers and religion instead of doctors.
I worry for people who despair so much of this life that they choose to seek glory in the next.
I hope they will one day give up their religion and embrace reason. But who am I to say that is the best thing for them? The choice is up to them. All I can do is to be there for them whatever happens.
Just as I know they will be there for me.
Just as people are willing to swear that religion and politics do mix, I am willing to suggest the opposite.