Originally posted by january:
I think some buddhist misinterpreted original buddha teaching and make up their own theories.
Buddhism has certainly lost itself in some aspects and really need to wake up its idea.
Anyway, Budhhism nowadays is so divergent with so many different teachings. Everyone is conducting their different concepts.
Trying to say that Budhhism predicts what science has achieved is also trying to take credit from scientists.
i would urge eternal now to really start doubting your beliefs.
With regards to Emptiness and Ultimate Reality there can be no different interpretation - although in terms of usage of words and explanation different analogies and pointers may be used. Buddhism believes that there can be many dharma doors or paths to the same goal - enlightenment - but with regards to ultimate reality, emptiness, buddha nature, the 3 dharma seals, true dharma never deviates from these. When you awaken to reality it is the "same" reality. When you awaken/become enlightened, there is no trace of doubt about your realisation because what you realise is more real than real. Also as I said in Buddhism, everything from philosophy to practise and anything else are coherent.
It so happens that there are many scientific findings such as the non-local experiments are completely in line with the sort of realisation through practise and meditation. BTW I see no reason that this is some form of pseudo wisdom.. because it is both backed by intuitive insights and experience from meditation as well as real scientific findings.