For life complexity like cells structure, i try to explain in mathematics point of view.
i once seen the discovery channel, it says that certain biochemical life forms form the particular form which has self reproduction effect. By evolution, these living cells become more complex.
In maths, we see reproduction as permutation. 1 forms 2, 2 forms 4, and increases by multiplying 2 everytime. In fact, it can be factor of 3,5,8 or any bigger number. The point is that by power effect, permutation of things can go very large.
Thus, when people are puzzled by the complexity of cells, and cell structures, they think that there are intelligent design.
my point is, a single thing, by permutation, can form many things as time passes. therefore, i do not believe in intelligent design, but i think in life,
complexity arise from simplicity by permutation
i feel that reality, universe comes about by rules, casuality and reasons. There is no god actually.
when the universe is infant stage in the past, there are astronomical rules in physics and string theory explain its cause and consequence.
as earth is formed, and there atmosphere and earth environment changes, there are rules governing the cause and effect leading to ideal condition that give rise to biology life where they have reproductivity capability.
up till now, everything is just cause and effect, following the rules things, without any god at all. as life form permutates, things get more and more variety, hence explaining the large amount of things we see today.
As plants and animals, there are biological rules and cause and effect. simulataneoulsy, universe is still having cause and effect, earth is also having casuse and effect so everything is dynamic and connected.
among animal, there is human, which is intelligent. by cause and effect, this intelligence is form and it increases by rules again. as human society develops and improves, there are social rules, psychological rules, that govern cause and effect.
belief in god is also part and parcel of psychological rules and environment rules as people when they see the awe of nature, they naturally tend to believe that there is god behind it.
as human, there are two rules that they follow. first, is that of a intelligent species rules which lead to technology, learning, culture. ther other rule is that as animal, we are still subjected to biological cause and effect like life and death.
the development of truth and seeking of knowlegde by many academics is itself a cause and effect where people realize the importance of obtaining knowledge.
i think truth is that there are many rules in the universe, in earth, in human society, in plants, animal life world.
the catch is this, by finding the rules, like how atoms behave, how horse shoe crab blue blood is useful, why human believe in god, how planets and galaxies work, we can try to apply knowledge. truth and knowledge is absolute, however, the problem is that different people claims that their knowledge is the correct one, and the result is that our world and human is in constant flux of influenicng one another. If we pass wrong knowledge to each other, we will try to apply our beliefs and knowledge and fail to obtain the right benefits. hence, in order to seek right knowledge and make right decisions, i need to spread atheism which i claim is the right belief and right knowledge