i trying to argue that there is no god. i do not hate any religion or people or anything. Its just that i think their beliefs are wrong so i just want to convince them. below is the common argument that i seen between atheist and christian.
i will not use force or violence or vulgarities to coerce god-believers into non believers. i will just try to use words peppered with lmy reasons.
alex: so tell me, angel, what do you want to talk to me about?
angel: well, alex, i was praying to the flying horse that i would see the light and i promise that i would serve him according to his teachings.
alex: ?? flying horse? you must be joking. there is no flying horse in the world.
angel: of course there is.
alex: you seen one?
angel: the flying horse is too powerful and supreme for mere humans to understand. i have not seen one, but i have connect with it spiritually before.
alex: nah. many things in the world claim to have spiritual connections with these and that.
angel: that is because you are blinded by crawling turtle.
angel:I ask you this, can human explain how everything come into being? The universe is so big and complex, you think everything just happen by chance and fall into place by evolution.
alex: does not mean that we humans don't know many things imply that there is a flying horse. when we don't know certain things, we simply just leave it as don't know situation first.
alex: is there any proof to say that the flying horse exist?
angel: yah. The book of the flying horse has all the evidence about it.
alex: (reads and flip through the book) you call this stories evidence? we must always test our beliefs and truth using scientific method?
angel: Science and human cannot explain everything, don't you get it? the flying horse is too advanced that science and logic are inapplicable to it. you people just like to use science and logic to say that the flying horse does not exist.
alex: if we don't use logic and reasoning and proof for it, what else do we use. we don't just believe something for nothing.
angel: its not called believing something for nothing. Its call 'faith'.
alex: but what is faith?
angel: why must you people always ask the "what is". your mind is influenced by the crawling turtle. you must have faith with the flying horse. there are plenty of evidence in the book of the flying horse that proves its existence. In chapter 45, Banana 23, Tiffany says that......
alex: This stories and evidence you give in the book of the flying horse are not scientific and rigourous proof or reasons. Its a fallacy of anedoctal evidence.
angel: you trying to use your logic theory again. logic cannot explain everything, don't you see? Do you know that if you don't believe and have faith in the flying horse, you cannot go to heaven?
alex: there are plenty of atheist who have done great good to the world. you don't need a religion to be good. You just need to be good to be good to yourself and the world.
angel: hm......... i am tired. lets end our conversation and have lunch.
alex: okay.
so my question to god believers is - do you all believe there is flying horse? if you believe in it. i shall tell you what are the 10 rules of the flying horse book.
1st - you have to sing "i love flying horse.. i love flying horse" to the melody of Black eyes peas song 'where is the love' to show that you love the flying horse.
2nd - you must not harm or kill anyone because the flying horse says so.
3rd - the flying horse love you with all his heart and you have to have faith in him
4th - put a statue of flying horse in your home so that you will remember his teachings.
5th - when you see a crawling turtle, stay away from it