Originally posted by megatron:
If I may add on
The commonly known V speeds are V1, Vr, V2 during the take off run phrase.
what most crew are concern with are V1, go/no go decision speed,
Vr Rotate speed where crew lift up e plane, (after plane acheiving Vmu)
and V2 is take off safety speed. at which u must clear a 35FT screen height abv runway end.
Its too much to write here, because u still have the
Vs - stalling speed
Vmcg - min control speed on ground
Vmca - min control speed in air
Vmu - unstick speed
Vevent -
V1 - Decision speed ( u must action e Go/NOGO procedures by now.2sec allowance only )
Vmbe - max brake energy
Vr - Rotation Speed. nose pitch up, NLG lose control
Vlo end of 1st segmetn climb
V2 U must clear 35ft screen height at end of runway.even wz one engine flame out
for Flight U have
VS - stalling speed
Vref / Vso1.3
n so on n so forth...
n all these are dealing in seconds, basically one do not have time to think, we are trained to identify faults, n react.
will try to post a diagram here. mayb sum other experts can post.
I wish I cud b like u playing MSX ignoring the V-speeds, jus thrusters, TOGA n go.but in real life, it's not that simple. a whole lot more to decide, like gradient of runway, wt of ur acft, temperature, presure altitude, field length limit( runway distance avail for Take-off) obstacles climb limit, tires n brakes energy, crew performance, wet/dry runway,
but the final result is we calculate e V1,Vr V2 speed on write on bug cards but nowadays we input to FMS n e Bug or needle will calibrate on the instruments.(left hand side of Flight Director Display).
wow thx , although im not fully understand but thank for the info
oh , beside microsoft flight sim , is there any flight simulator to intro that is good and relistic ? Dunno those sellin in sim lim 1 box 1 type of aircraft flight sim good to play anot