Originally posted by Pitot:
Roughly the same as the departure procedure?
X flight on X airline to X destination may have bans on several suff compared to Y flight etc..
I guess sometimes its how they classify the treat level?
Like some flights have marshals some flights dont.
Yup, i mean for departure procedures, sometimes they have to comply with destination country's laws.
So like for a flight to North America naturally will have more strict procedures regardless of the airlines.
But you see, the problem is when you ARRIVE into singapore.
Passenger A and Passenger B came from the same city. Arrive singapore the same time.
Just that, Passenger A use Airline X (singapore registered), Passenger B use Airline Y (also singapore registered)
But Passenger A get check and Passenger B did not.
i am like passenger A and B, somehow if i fly "the other" airline, i always get checked upon leaving the plane.
But using the other airline, i can just walk direct to passport control.