Well, if u look closely at ur quadragle box, u hav the fence,( foreground) ur object, ( the planes ) n the background..I'm sure u understand about DOF n how using a large or small F-stop affects how these 3 works.
I don't know what was your F stop setting but your foreground, the fence looks sharp to me.mayb F8 or higher.), try closing to F5.6 or bigger..but of coz ur shtter speed has to be fast enough to catch the plane landing n ur panning technique has to be spot on!..It would be good to keep it ( ur shutter speed ) not too fast as to capture the essence of motion or speed..Like say, for a car pic, the whole car is sharp except for the wheels..
I know it's easier said than done but..hey..we don;t do things because they are easy right?..we do things because they are challenging..(wink)
U will have to compensate because opening up F stop means u hav to close shutter speed or else ur pics will get wash out ( overexposed ).
Unless u really poke ur lenses thru the gap,then it's ok but don;t get caught ok?
It's all about experimenting n doing a record n nowadays with Digital cameras it 's easier for blogging your data. Mine is still the old manual SLR. with the old metal ED lenses.
Jus my 2cts
I used to say,,FIlms are cheap, memories are priceless!! so keep shooting.its all Megabytes now.!! Cheaper still!
Originally posted by iwillsurvive:
so if i stand further back things would look better? the planes would look slightly smaller wouldn't they