Can singapore improve on defend? FAS should put under 23 players to take part in National Team playing at asian cup.All the midfieders and defenders are dead tonight!!!!!! How to support the natinal team if they keep on playing like that!!!!!! Maybe FAS should ask liverpool second team for help !!!!!!!!!!
why put here? lol
Is the game still on or the final score?
Originally posted by Short Ninja:Is the game still on or the final score?
full time 3-1
singapore can only blame themselves for being too wasteful
for highlights come here
no i mean for goals
Originally posted by MasterMoogle:full time 3-1
singapore can only blame themselves for being too wasteful
Wow last night I had a dream they got beaten by only one goal >LOL
Just wondering when will they ever stop disappointing.I thought this grouping would be favorable for Singapore.
Originally posted by limpper:for highlights come here
second goal caught the defence off guard and the Singapore keeper should have stayed grounded on the third goal instead of Sarong.
Originally posted by Short Ninja:
Wow last night I had a dream they got beaten by only one goal >LOLJust wondering when will they ever stop disappointing.I thought this grouping would be favorable for Singapore.
So the dream was not exactly true.
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:So the dream was not exactly true.
Maybe he didn't dream all the way to full time.
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:So the dream was not exactly true.
quite choon la.Just never thought Singapore kelong the last goa.Who would believe my dream that Singapore would lose except my unker>LOL
Originally posted by Short Ninja:
quite choon la.Just never thought Singapore kelong the last goa.Who would believe my dream that Singapore would lose except my unker>LOL
Originally posted by deepak.c:
Maybe he didn't dream all the way to full time.
yup, ninja dream to end of first half only
sg no hope of qualifying liao, unless they can loan a few epl players to play for them
goals for the match
what a lan jiao match. just got back from national stadium
can tell that everyone is pissed off. Ask newpaper to stop pleading fans to come and support. Whats the point? u ask for fans, we came and we got this kind of rubbish. play like ah gua. fuck off man
we lost to a land of transexual, we are worse than sissy!
Originally posted by gunner77:what a lan jiao match. just got back from national stadium
can tell that everyone is pissed off. Ask newpaper to stop pleading fans to come and support. Whats the point? u ask for fans, we came and we got this kind of rubbish. play like ah gua. fuck off man
we lost to a land of transexual, we are worse than sissy!
You said that so many times la but National Stadium is your second home so what to do?
The last time Vietnam was home of the Bisexual now Thailand land of the tell me which country is Singapore playing with next?LOL
Originally posted by Short Ninja:You said that so many times la but National Stadium is your second home so what to do?
The last time Vietnam was home of the Bisexual now Thailand land of the tell me which country is Singapore playing with next?LOL
Or quietly whisper which country people are the Lions having sex with next?
never liked Baikhaki and Noh Rahman both players suckss. They are the weakest link. They are weaklings. Very bad in doing man to man marking .. just freaking slow too. I hope they won't be playing for the 2nd leg match in Thailand. And i don't see any reserved players chosen who fits the bill to play in those position. Raddy go look for better defender i ve seen a few good ones in the s-league team.
ytd saw singapore def... like hell..
Originally posted by gunner77:what a lan jiao match. just got back from national stadium
can tell that everyone is pissed off. Ask newpaper to stop pleading fans to come and support. Whats the point? u ask for fans, we came and we got this kind of rubbish. play like ah gua. fuck off man
we lost to a land of transexual, we are worse than sissy!
Overall assessment of team
GK- Nothing much to complain of, good positioning, however, some lack of attention caught him out. If not of Hassan Sunny, sinagpore will definitely go 4-1 or even 6-1
Defense- Acceptable response, however, lackadaisical at times let singapore down, no tight marking, allowing the thais all the spaces to do wonders, worst is Shaiful Esah, he merely ball watched chaiman to score that goal - Never allowed SAFFC team mates to play against each other, they tend to forget that they are playing against each other!
Midfield- Totally vanished in first half, weak comeback in second half
Attack- Duric is ineffective IF you do not provide him that 100% ball to his fit, never expect him to chase for lost clause, look at how he get the goals for SAFFC, majority is from set pieces by chaiman or Shaiful or ball to his feet, thus please have a good provider or do not play duric
NAS nothing to say, but why he block the goal with hand
Khairul (Pardon for misspelling), Indra did more decent job, why raddy do not want to give them to starting XI???
My desired formation (subs in brackets)
Lone foward - Duric (NAS or Khairul or Indra)
Supporting Midfielders- Ahmad Latiff (Raddy pls consider), Wilko (Nor Ali, mustaqmin manzur)
Holding midfielders- Mustafic (May misspell) and one more
Wingers: Jermery Chiang, Jaslee Hatta Ruhaizad Ismail, Shaiful Esah (choose two)
CB: Daniel Benett and Sevki Sha'ban( Maybe Bah Mamadou or Bai)
GK: Hassan (Shairil or Lewis)
He allow thai to do pathetic attemps to fake free kicks and etc...handball waved off, red cards dun dare give
Abdul Malik will do much better!