7k more to 52 :(
everywhere i go gt people ... today must 52 then i start fishing since thrs no one ...
Originally posted by Daisuke-kun:not really.
i still eat normal servings like i use to eat during normal days..
under weight..
zzz stupid guy keep wan ks my tree ... Rune axe act big ZzZ
you sell your willows alr?
no one want buy XDXD
haha you sell at most ex price ar?
lowest XD
wahaha jia lat..means i must burn liao loh!
y ??
i gtg soon lor ... my mom wan go out ZzZ just come back frm tuition ... at least i gained a wc level today XD
k la, i buy too.
cause since even lowest price cant sell...how am i gonna sell 31k willows lol.
wah 31k whr u get those ... i sell 700+ nia XD
all chopped de lol.
gonna take ages to burn. =/
is fishing worth training ?? does it requires a high fund ??
fishing or woodcutting ?? which one easier huh ?
some dude told me i need 20k fund to start fishing true ornot ??
2k more to 53 JyJy !! and i go buy food !
Originally posted by yong93:is fishing worth training ?? does it requires a high fund ??
Yes it is worth training. No does not require 20k.
Originally posted by yong93:fishing or woodcutting ?? which one easier huh ?
woodcutting imho.
Originally posted by yong93:some dude told me i need 20k fund to start fishing true ornot ??
nah just need bait, feathers then after that can go for lobster pot already. just need to fund your trips to and fro from karumja.
is that 20k? i dont think so...
You can either sell your raw fish or cook them.
Since wilderness looks like its returning, might be good to stock up on food and sell them once wildy is released.
punch in.
punch out.
hahah. i on the com, use it for 5min and now im goin out again ><