Cooking & Cocktail Recipes
Vegatable Curry
100g cabbage, cut into pieces
100g carrot, sliced
1 potato, peeled and quartered
3 long beans, cut into 4cm lengths
2 tbsp oil
Pounded together -> (10 shallots, 2 cloves garlic, 5 dried chillies, 2 buah keras , half stalk serai , 3 slices lengkuas , a knob of belacan , 1 cm piece of tumeric)
300g grated coconut for 100ml thick coconut milk, 300ml thin coconut milk
half tsp salt
Heat oil. Fry pounded ingredients until fragrant.
Add thin coconut milk and salt. Bring to the boil.
Add potato and carrot. Cover and simmer until vegetables are cooked.
Add long beans and cabbage and cook for a further 5 minutes.
Add thick coconut milk. Bring to the boil and remove from the fire.