16 small or 8 halved green (raw) Balmain or
Moreton bay bug tails
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons finely grated lime zest
sea salt
cracked black pepper to taste
Place the bug tails in a shallow dish and pour over the oil, lime, zest, salt & pepper. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Thread each bug tail onto a skewer. Cook the bug tails on a preheated medium barbecue or grill for 1-2 minutes each side, or until they are tender. Serve with lime wedges if desired.
Per Serving (excluding unknown items):
239 Calories;
27g Fat (100.0% calories from fat);
0g Protein; 0g Carbohydrate;
0g Dietary Fiber;
0mg Cholesterol;
trace Sodium.
Exchanges: 5 1/2 Fat.