What type of fish is consider kosher?
"hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat" Lev 11:9
However in the Jewish studies there are more complex view on this as the scale fish has about 5 main types only cycloid and Ctenoid scales are fit for consumption.
To learn more about what is kosher and non-kosher fish visit this site
http://www.geocities.com/shenlan.geo/Tahor-clean-Scaled-fish.htmRecent news with regard to Cod fish incident. the oil fish is a scale fish was use to substitute the Codfish. Many who ate those fish suffer diarrhea. One may wonder the scripture say scale and fin we can eat how is this cause problems. In truth the oilfish is Non-Kosher because the scale hard to remove and had pores. it is not classified under Ctenoid cycloid species
The oilfish, Ruvettus pretiosus, is a snake mackerel, the only species in the genus Ruvettus. It is found in tropical and temperate seas of the world, at depths of between 100 and 800 m. Its length is between 80 cm and 2 m.
The oilfish is similar to the silver gemfish but has a smaller mouth and eyes and a lower more jagged first dorsal fin. It is covered with small spiny scales and there is a row of small pores between each scale row.
Coloration is dark purple-brown on the back with a pale belly, and the pupil of the eye is brightly phosphorescent.
The flesh is very oily and although edible it is thought by some that the oil is a strong intestinal irritant. Japan and Italy have imposed an import ban on oil fishes. Australia has also banned oil fishes from being sold as food.