4. We Need to Follow the Right Path
We read in this week's parsha that after Yosef revealed himself to his brothers, they became overwhelmed with shame and were unable to respond. Yosef said to his brothers, "And now, do not be distressed, do not be angry with yourselves for having sold me here, for it was as a supporter of life that G-d sent me ahead of you." Yosef told his brothers not to be "distressed/depressed" and not to be "angry" with themselves, which seem to be two contradictory emotional states. The emotion of anger emanates from arrogance or a sense of "self", while depression or distress emanates from feelings of lowliness and worthlessness.
The Ohr Ha'Chaim Ha'Kadosh explains that Yosef had overheard a conversation between his brothers in which they expressed that the reason why they were experiencing so many difficulties was because Hashem was punishing them for ignoring the pleas of Yosef. His brothers expressed, in that conversation, that they were guilty of mistreating Yosef and that they were heartless. Yosef understood that this was the source of their "distress/depression." Recognizing that his brothers' distress was as a result of their guilty feelings, Yosef tried to ease them by telling them "do not be distressed". Yosef said this because they recognized the wrong they had done- which itself was a correction.
The reason why Yosef's brothers sold him into slavery was because they believed that he was trying to undermine their relationship with Yaakov in order to position himself as the leader of the Jewish people. By selling Yosef into slavery his brothers believed that his illusions of grandeur of one day leading the Jewish people and having his brothers bow to him would never come to fruition. What actually transpired was the exact opposite their intent. Yosef was able to rise to power only because his brothers sold him into slavery. He was summoned from prison to interpret Pharaoh's dreams and subsequently was appointed Viceroy of Egypt - functioning as the supporter and protector of the Jewish people.
The irony of the situation was that Yosef's brothers believed that they were preventing him from reaching greatness by selling him into slavery when in fact they served as a catalyst for his success. Having realized that their efforts ended in opposite results, Yosef's brothers could have easily become angry with themselves. In order to address this, Yosef told his brothers not to be angry with themselves because his success was as a result of Hashem's divine plan and not their actions. They were not the cause of Yosef's success but rather Hashem deemed that Yosef should rise to power and lead the Jewish people.
Very often in life we pursue courses of action that we believe will bring us success yet they, G-d forbid, result in disaster. On the other hand we also confront situations, which appear to be tragedies, and they ultimately lead to positive results. This is only because Hashem controls the outcome and success of our actions. We can only pursue actions that are consistent with the Torah and trust that Hashem will bring about an outcome, which is in our best interest.
The Gemara in Taanis tells us the story of Nochum Ish Gamzoo (who was Rebbe of Rabbi Akiva). Nochum Ish Gamzoo was appointed by the Rabbis of the community to go to Rome with a chest of jewels (as a gift) in order to plead for the Jewish people. While staying at an inn on the way to Rome, the innkeeper, without Nochum's knowledge, stole the jewels and replaced them with dirt.
Subsequently, he appeared in Rome in front of the Emperor to present his gift. When the Emperor discovered that the chest was filled with earth rather than jewels, he became enraged and ordered that Nochum be executed. Nochum's response was, "Gamzoo l'tova (It is all for the best)." However, before sending him to the gallows, the Emperor asked Nochum, whom he knew to be a wise man, why he would forfeit his life so easily by presenting a gift of dirt. Nochum explained that the dirt was special because it was the same dust used by Avraham to vanquish the four mighty kings.
Hearing this, the Emperor sent batches Nochum's dirt to his troops who were then able to easily defeat their enemies. The Emperor spared Nochum's life and gave him a chest of diamonds, gold, and jewels as payment for the "magical dirt ".
When Nochum returned to the inn where he had stayed, the innkeeper, who had stolen his jewels, noticed that he had returned with new riches in place of the dirt he had placed in the chest. The innkeeper immediately took a cartload of dirt to the Emperor and told him that it was the same as Nochum's. The Emperor tried the innkeeper's dirt with no success - his troops were slaughtered in battle. As a result the Emperor executed the innkeeper.
We learn from this that "Gamzoo L'Tova (It is all for the best)" means that what ever happens to us is in our best interests. Even tragedies, G-d forbid, that we may confront are in fact in our best interest because we are unaware of G-d's plan. Situations that may seem to be favorable for us may, G-d forbid, end as being detrimental. We can only do the right thing and leave the rest up to Hashem.
As the Gemara tells us that Chizkeyahu Ha'Melech (The King of Judah) chose not to procreate because he had foreseen through divine inspiration that the son that he would father would truly be evil. He subsequently fell ill and was on his deathbed. Yeshaya, the prophet, told Chizkeyahu that he would not recover if he did not perform the mitzvah of procreation. Chizkeyahu informed Yeshaya of his vision of having an evil son and Yeshaya responded by saying," You should not meddle with G-d's hidden plan." We do not have the ability to understand the will of Hashem - We can only do the right thing.