The Joseph Anointing
When it comes to the Joseph anointing, there are a lot of confusing allegorical interpretations being applied to the end time church. Because the Joseph anointing has to do with wealth, there seems to be a tendency that some people have to misapply JosephÂ’s gifting in a way that best promotes their agenda (physical buildings, church programs, organizational networks, or business enterprises). This is generally cause by the love of money combined with the spirit of manipulation and control that permeates the church today.
We cannot allegorically twist the Scriptures to say whatever we want them to say in order to validate our program. Remember, this was one of the reasons why the church strayed so far from the Hebraic roots of GodÂ’s word after the second century.
Literally speaking, Joseph was ordained and anointed by God to warn Pharaoh and Egypt (leaders and their governments) that a famine was coming and how they should physically prepare for it. Although he was ordained by God, he was empowered (authorized) by Pharaoh to do what he did. This was the same scenario that Daniel operated under in Babylon. God used both of them to affect the heart of the king so that God’s purposes could be fulfilled. In both Joseph’s and Daniel’s case those plans were accomplished through the resources of Egypt and Babylon – i.e., the world system.
Some say that, because God owns everything, Pharaoh and/or Nebuchadnezzar allegorically speaks of God the Father. However, nowhere does Scripture even hint at the allegorical concept that the rulers of Egypt or Babylon could ever be referring to Jehovah. God only refers to them allegorically as sin, death, the world, or some form of judgment.
This application is generally used by church pastors, who are trying to bring JosephÂ’s wealth into FatherÂ’s storehouse of the institutional church in order to fund its programs. If the programs are from God, we should fund them as God leads. However, we donÂ’t have to misapply Scripture to do it.
Some say that JosephÂ’s are called to set up a Christian financial system or network, which operates independent of the world system. However, JosephÂ’s ministry didnÂ’t have a system separate from EgyptÂ’s, but clearly operated within the Egyptian (world) system.
In truth, neither Joseph nor Daniel owned very much. They were predominantly managers of the governmentÂ’s resources. Nor did they do what ever they wanted to with those resources. In JosephÂ’s case, both a goal and a plan were laid out before Pharaoh, and he empowered Joseph to carry them out (Gen. 41:33-37).
Even though Joseph was given authority over all Egypt, there was no mistaking that the authority came from Pharaoh. Joseph may have manipulated Pharaoh a little, but he always understood that Pharaoh was in charge (Gen. 46:33 – 47:6).
This doesnÂ’t mean that all end time JosephÂ’s have to work for the government, only that they must be operating within the worldÂ’s system and submitted to the governmentÂ’s laws (Rom. 13:1-6). Every attempt by Christians to set up some type of business organization or financial network that operates outside the world system has failed. ThatÂ’s because itÂ’s not part of the Joseph anointing or GodÂ’s plan for the last days.
Many are confused at why Joseph would make the Egyptians store up their own grain during the “years of plenty” and then force them to buy it back during the “years of famine.” Most ancient Rabbis understood that Joseph bought the grain for Pharaoh’s storehouses during the seven years of plenty when prices were low. When the famine came, he simply sold grain to the Egyptian people and the nations of the world as a matter of conducting state business (Gen. 41:56-57).
Sometimes Christians assume certain things that just donÂ’t make any sense in the real world. If Joseph would have forced the Egyptians to buy back their own grain, they would have cursed him, but they didnÂ’t. Even after they lost everything and became PharaohÂ’s slaves, they blessed Joseph for his forward thinking that delivered them from death (Gen. 47:20-26).
This principle was best expressed by Solomon when he said, “He who withholds grain, the people will curse him, but blessing will come on the head of him who sells it” (Proverbs 11:26).