Darwin hypothesized that change progresses gradually. Darwin himself stated, "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."Such a complex organ would be known as an "irreducibly complex system". An irreducibly complex system is one composed of multiple parts, all of which are necessary for the system to function. If even one part is missing, the entire system will fail to function. Every individual part is integral.[1]
here are a few...Originally posted by kaister:If the creator can be proven with evidence other than a book, it would stand against criticisms. However, it has yet to do so.
Can you share some of these archeological findings? I'm interested.
here is another...Originally posted by kaister:If the creator can be proven with evidence other than a book, it would stand against criticisms. However, it has yet to do so.
Can you share some of these archeological findings? I'm interested.
The Walls of JerichoOriginally posted by kaister:If the creator can be proven with evidence other than a book, it would stand against criticisms. However, it has yet to do so.
Can you share some of these archeological findings? I'm interested.
If structural resemblance is the only criterion then we have a good resemblance with many other creatures as well. The wing of a bat, fin of a whale and arm of a man are bone and similar to each other yet these are totally different from each other and cannot be grouped together.Originally posted by kaister:"In other words, what are the fittest? Why, those that survive, of course. And what survives? Why, naturally, the fittest. The problem is that circular reasoning doesn't point to any independent criteria that can evaluate whether the theory is true."
Take the above passage for example. It was based solely on the author's point of view, not supported and has shown lacking in understanding of evolution. Fittest is defined by the environment. Eg, a giraffe can survive well in the grass plains given its long neck and legs, allowing it to take full advantage of the environment it lives in. It had common ancestors as deers and cattles. Over time, prehistoric deers or cattles with longer necks are able to feed more on higher tree branches, giving them an reproductive advantage over the same species. This soon emerge as a new species, different from the original. Place the giraffe in a tropical forest and you'll find the opposite happening. The same phenomenon has been observed in Finches on the Galapagos, perfectly testable and repeatable.
There has been a recent wave of skepticism concerning Miller's experiment because it is now believed that the early earth's atmosphere did not contain predominantly reductant molecules. Another objection is that this experiment required a tremendous amount of energy. While it is believed lightning storms were extremely common on the primitive Earth, they were not continuous as the Miller/Urey experiment portrayed. Thus it has been argued that while amino acids and other organic compounds may have been formed, they would not have been formed in the amounts which this experiment produced.Originally posted by kaister:Heard of single stranded RNA viruses (SARS)? Heard of prions that comprises of only proteins but capable of replication (Mad-Cow's disease)? These are but a few examples that fills the gap you've stated. Simple organism that could have been how the primitive lifeforms started. Take a look at Miller's famous experiment:
In the early 1950s Stanley L. Miller, working in the laboratory of Harold C. Urey at the University of Chicago, did the first experiment designed to clarify the chemical reactions that occurred on the primitive earth. In the flask at the bottom, he created an "ocean" of water, which he heated, forcing water vapor to circulate through the apparatus. The flask at the top contained an "atmosphere" consisting of methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), hydrogen (H2) and the circulating water vapor.
Next he exposed the gases to a continuous electrical discharge (lightning), causing the gases to interact. Water-soluble products of those reactions then passed through a condenser and dissolved in the mock ocean. The experiment yielded many amino acids and enabled Miller to explain how they had formed.
Btw, mathematical impossibility it might be but note that evolution is not by chance as you propose. It is due to shaping by the existing environment and evolution merely selects the right combination of DNA. Poles apart from chance.
Darwin's guess about how life started was only an natural extension of his theory. In essence, evolution is more concerned about evolution of species and not about life, although it heavily suggests that.Originally posted by breytonhartge:Actually this statement is not true, darwin did postulate about life, and this has been taught in all the schools at all levels.
Darwins origins of species... as you have described above is only but one of his assumptions.
Darwinian evolution is named for the theory of Charles Darwin (1809-1882). Darwin was not the first person to propose the theory of evolution; many ancient Greek philosophers suggested the idea of life developing out of non-life. But Darwin brought evolution to the forefront of the modern scientific community. From his observations, Darwin assumed that all life -- man, monkey, fish, dinosaurs, birds, flowers, trees, et al. -- descended from a common ancestor.
Darwin theorized that at one time no life on this planet existed. Out of this non-life came about all life. Once life started, it evolved through naturalistic stages from the earliest single celled organisms through modification or mutation. Darwin rejected the idea of a Creator of life; he believed only in a series of fortunate adaptations prescribed by nature and need for survival.
Darwinian evolution is built around some major assumptions:
Darwin assumed that life is in a constant state of flux, ever changing, ever evolving. According to Darwinian evolution, genectic mutations are necessary for survival of any life form. One organism will change over time and become a different species. While most scientists agree that life does adapt to fit different climates and terrain, the hypothesis of one genus evolving into another has not been proven.
Another assumption of Darwinian evolution is the idea of animals and plants reproducing geometrically. This theory means that a pair of animals will have far more offspring than is necessary to replace themselves. A fish or turtle, for example, may lay millions of eggs in their lifetimes. If each laid egg produced a full-grown adult, the population of that species would increase exponentially and overpopulate the land. In order to keep the number of a species under control a checks and balance system must be in place. This premise of checks and balances led to Darwin's next assumption.
The number of individuals in a species remain relatively constant. Darwin observed that, generally, a species did not dramatically multiply or die out. Since large numbers of a speciesÂ’ offspring failed to reach maturity, the cause must be a competition for food and reproduction. This theory is called survival of the fittest or natural selection. However, as Darwin noted, the environment changes continuously so the definition of what is "fittest" changes with time.
Finally, Darwin hypothesized that change progresses gradually. Darwin himself stated, "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."
Darwinian evolution is built around these assumptions. Although some scientists argue that DarwinÂ’s observations do not result in a solid theory, Darwinian evolution is still promoted as a viable alternative to Creation. But certain aspects of DarwinÂ’s theory actually points to, not away from a Creator.
Dear Kaister, I think you have got it the other way around. Actually his theory was the extension to how life started. His theory is that which "supposedly" puts forward the mechanism by which life "could" have started and evolved.Originally posted by kaister:Darwin's guess about how life started was only an natural extension of his theory. In essence, evolution is more concerned about evolution of species and not about life, although it heavily suggests that.
I shall not touch about the rest of your post cos' they only talked about the assumptions of evolution.
Paragraph 1: Yes, again a misconception that evolution takes place one organ at a time. It takes place simultaneously. How? Here's an example. Bats. In order to gain flight, they have to simultaneously produce lighter bone structure and wings. You can argue that if any of the parts are taken out, the system will not work.Originally posted by breytonhartge:Such a complex organ would be known as an "irreducibly complex system". An irreducibly complex system is one composed of multiple parts, all of which are necessary for the system to function. If even one part is missing, the entire system will fail to function. Every individual part is integral.[1]
Thus, such a system could not have evolved slowly, piece by piece. The common mousetrap is an everyday non-biological example of irreducible complexity. It is composed of five basic parts: a catch (to hold the bait), a powerful spring, a thin rod called "the hammer," a holding bar to secure the hammer in place, and a platform to mount the trap. If any one of these parts is missing, the mechanism will not work. Each individual part is integral. The mousetrap is irreducibly complex.[2]
Molecular biologist Michael Denton wrote, "Although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small, weighing less than 10-12 grams, each is in effect a veritable micro-miniaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up altogether of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machinery built by man and absolutely without parallel in the non-living world."[3]
And we don't need a microscope to observe irreducible complexity. The eye, the ear and the heart are all examples of irreducible complexity, though they were not recognized as such in Darwin's day. Nevertheless, Darwin confessed, "To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."[4]
1.Michael Behe, "Darwin's Black Box," 1996.
2."Unlocking the Mystery of Life," documentary by Illustra Media, 2002.
3.Michael Denton, "Evolution: A Theory in Crisis," 1986, p. 250.
4.Charles Darwin, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life," 1859, p. 155.
Obviously you did not study biology. Almost all living organisms can be grouped into kingdoms, phylum, class, family, and genus. If you rearrange them, you would notice that they resemble an inverted tree, good evidence of a common ancestor among each kingdom.Originally posted by breytonhartge:If structural resemblance is the only criterion then we have a good resemblance with many other creatures as well. The wing of a bat, fin of a whale and arm of a man are bone and similar to each other yet these are totally different from each other and cannot be grouped together.
Similarly, as dissection of the frogÂ’s body is taught to medical students the human beings have system for system, muscle for muscle nerve for nevre and vessel for vessel a resemblance with the frog. But can they be grouped together?
But are we similar to other creatures in features such as locomotive reproductive, respiratory, endocrine genito-urinary, cardiac and central nervous systems? But this does not mean that man and other creatures can be grouped together with a common ancestor.
The Encyclopedia Britanica has criticised the idea of having a common ancestor on the basis of structural resemblance. It says, “In the absence of a fossil record, structural and other adaptations have been projected back as an ancestral condition from living descendent species; but this is a very risky procedure that dismisses morphological transformation and adaptation and assumes stasis without complementary confirmation.”
You cite the whale as an example of its decendence from mammals, but todate there is no fossil record to show the gradual evolution of the whale from a mammal as so suggested based on darwins theory of natural selection.
If the argument about the giraffe is to be followed, then we would not have deer and cattle today as they would have been the infrior product and based on natural selection, would have become extinct... ?
Yes what you've said is true. There's some debate about how the conditions of primitive earth is like.Originally posted by breytonhartge:There has been a recent wave of skepticism concerning Miller's experiment because it is now believed that the early earth's atmosphere did not contain predominantly reductant molecules. Another objection is that this experiment required a tremendous amount of energy. While it is believed lightning storms were extremely common on the primitive Earth, they were not continuous as the Miller/Urey experiment portrayed. Thus it has been argued that while amino acids and other organic compounds may have been formed, they would not have been formed in the amounts which this experiment produced.
The problem here of your definition of the reproduction of amino acids under lab experiments still does not show how these were able to be selected to form the more complex structures which are so vital for the survival of any species. Let alone the homosapien.
Also you say evolution works by merely selecting the right combination of DNA. Hmmm.. what are the probabilities that the right DNA were at the right place at the right time in the right combination and at the right interaction sequences to be chosen for something to evolve? Let alone form life out of the primodial soup...
You reply too fast. See my other posts before this.Originally posted by breytonhartge:Dear Kaister, I think you have got it the other way around. Actually his theory was the extension to how life started. His theory is that which "supposedly" puts forward the mechanism by which life "could" have started and evolved.
The whole debate of evolution vs creationism is this: the evolutionists claim that life began with nothing, then evolved into something simple and then into something complex, through the process of natural selection. The creationists on the other hand say that there was intelligent design right from the beginning. Hence the existence of irreducible complexities as they were already though of. You cannot divorce natural selection from its theoretical beginnings. They either stand as one or they must fall as one. (Natural selection here would also encompass the whole gamut from how life started to how it became complex... eg. two different RNA strands produce two different kinds of proteins, one better, one weaker... natural selection based on darwinian theory would suggest that the stronger more viable protein strand be chosen and so on and so forth.)
But even if we take your ideal of evolution as that of the evolution of a species... it still holds no water see my post vis the giraffe and the cattle and deer. You view of evolution also cannot explain irreducible complexities which have now been shown to exist. See my posts on the fish and the wood pecker.
Sorry but I had to quote myself cos' I don't see you replying on the issue of credibility of the articles you've posted.Originally posted by kaister:Here's an example with reference to the paragraphs above.
Paragraph 1: stating the foundations of evolution by using reference to add to the validity of the article. Not much to discuss.
Paragraph 2: I've already raised the issue of how fittest is defined, not as how the author preferred. Note also lack of reference when writing that paragraph about circular argument on evolution/fittest, as evident from the author's lacking on evolutionary knowledge.
Paragraph 3: Selection does not change species? See below.
Paragraph 4: Trying to give an example to prove a point. Ok.
Paragraph 5: Again, no reference/support and it's an untruth. The Author got this from somewhere in his head and conveniently left out any support. Mutation is the source of new genetic material but selection is the process where 1 species can spilt into 2. See the finches for example. One species with same beak length can become 2 sub-species when placed on different islands with different food sources. With time, they will become 2 distinct species.
Evolution is based on adaptation. Apparantly the author lacked that knowledge and claimed that evolution created nothing out of something. Look at whales. They have rudimentary hind-limbs which they do not use at all. It is a sign of adaptation and strong evidence of how whales descended from mammals.
Paragraph 6: Again, a good reference that only states how evolution works by having an organism leaving more off-springs. It does not support any of the views stated above.
Given the limitations of time, I can only give you this vivid example. There're plenty of such untruths sandwiched in between references that does not aid in the author's arguments throughout the articles I've read so far.
Just trying to set things straight
Not bad, kaister, you got a bio background?Originally posted by kaister:Sorry but I had to quote myself cos' I don't see you replying on the issue of credibility of the articles you've posted.
Para one: Your example of bats is a bad one, because the fossil record does not show that they evolved from four limbed tree climbing anscestors.Originally posted by kaister:Paragraph 1: Yes, again a misconception that evolution takes place one organ at a time. It takes place simultaneously. How? Here's an example. Bats. In order to gain flight, they have to simultaneously produce lighter bone structure and wings. You can argue that if any of the parts are taken out, the system will not work.
However, bats emerged from tree-climbing ancestors. Mutations can occur on a population level, giving some with membrane-linked bone structure the slight edge over bats that don't have such adaptations. These bats could then glide, or jump further, as we can see in some gliding squirrels today. Some other mutations may occur, giving others lighter bone structure. Individuals with these mutations will be able to gain access to more food, hereby giving more off-springs. With time, their genes will be more presented in the gene pool, resulting in an overall genotype and morphological change.
An irreducible complexity does not mean that every organism would have just the right number of structures enough for their survival. But it does mean that the mechanisms for an organisms survival would have to be there already and that it could not have evolved in the piece meal manner that evolution prescribes.Originally posted by kaister:Paragraph 2: An inanimate object cannot be compared to a living being. They don't have genes. Also, irreducible complexity would mean that every organism would have just the right number of structures enough for their survival. However, that is not true with vestigial structures such as rudimentary hind limbs in whales.
A single strand RNA virus is still an irriducible complexity. Just what is the structure of RNA, since you say I obviously did not study biology?Originally posted by kaister:Paragraph 3: E. Coli is not the simpliest organism on earth. I've already pointed out some simple organisms such as single-strand RNA virus and prions (this is not even an organism, just a protein), which are capable of reproducing themselves. Not only do they give us a good idea of how life could have started but they also give a good picture of how your examples of irreductible systems are actually reductiable.
MIchael Behe presents several examples of irreducibly complex systems to prove his point, here is another one: the cilium. Cilia are hair-like structures, which are used by animals and plants to move fluid over various surfaces (for example, cilia in your respiratory tree sweep mucous towards the throat and thus promote elimination of contaminants) and by single-celled organisms to move through water. Cilia are like "oars" which contain their own mechanism for bending. That mechanism involves tiny rod-like structures called microtubules that are arranged in a ring. Adjacent microtubules are connected to each other by two types of "bridges"-a flexible linker bridge and an arm that can "walk" up the neighboring microtubule. The cilia bends by activating the "walker" arms, and the sliding motion that this tends to generate is converted to a bending motion by the flexible linker bridges.Originally posted by kaister:Paragraph 4: The eye is always used as a tool for attack on evolution. However, it is not as entirely impossible. The simple light-sensitive spot on the skin of some ancestral creature gave it some tiny survival advantage, perhaps allowing it to evade a predator. Random changes then created a depression in the light-sensitive patch, a deepening pit that made "vision" a little sharper. At the same time, the pit's opening gradually narrowed, so light entered through a small aperture, like a pinhole camera.
Every change had to confer a survival advantage, no matter how slight. Eventually, the light-sensitive spot evolved into a retina, the layer of cells and pigment at the back of the human eye. Over time a lens formed at the front of the eye. It could have arisen as a double-layered transparent tissue containing increasing amounts of liquid that gave it the convex curvature of the human eye.
In fact, eyes corresponding to every stage in this sequence have been found in existing living species. The existence of this range of less complex light-sensitive structures supports scientists' hypotheses about how complex eyes like ours could evolve. The first animals with anything resembling an eye lived about 550 million years ago. Nilsson and Pelger (1994) calculated that if each step were a 1 percent change, the evolution of the eye would take 1829 steps, which could happen in 364,000 years. 550 million years is more than sufficient for the evolution of the eye.
The most documented Biblical event is the world-wide flood described in Genesis 6-9. A number of Babylonian documents have been discovered which describe the same flood.Originally posted by kaister:The archaeological evidence that you've stated may only prove the historical aspects of the bible and at best only parts of it. It had failed to prove any bit of Genesis.