In Your Thinking
"Brothers, be not children in your thinking, but in evil, be infants, and in thinking, be mature." 1Corinthians 14:20
In our passion and zeal for God, we run after Him. We seek Him with all our heart, longing to be in His presence. But sometimes in our desire to experience God more tangibly and profoundly, we lose sight of the bigger picture. Like children, we become fixated on the object of our desire--and until we reach it, everyone and everything around us fades into the background. Childlike faith morphs into childish cravings, and we cross a line between wanting more of God and just simply wanting more.
"Brothers, be not children in your thinking, but in evil, be infants..." Children are naturally motivated to fulfill their own wishes above the needs of others, and it is in this way that we become "children in [our] thinking." When our zealousness for the things of God surpasses the love and care we should have for our brothers, we drift into the ways of "evil" and our passion for God becomes tainted. "In evil," we are instead to "be infants"--as we grow up in our thinking, we are to remain innocent and inexperienced in the ways of wickedness.
"In evil, be infants, and in thinking, be mature." Rather than seeking only to fulfill our own spiritual needs, we need to be concerned with the welfare and building up of our brothers in Messiah. We grow away from childish thinking and maturity in evil when we are even more zealous for our brothers' edification than we are for our own. Maturity in thinking comes not by feeding our own desires--even our desires for God--but by serving the needs of the whole Body.
We must be aware that every passion--no matter how good and holy--can be twisted to serve the cravings of our flesh. As disciples of Messiah, we are not called to follow the Master as isolated individuals--we are members of one Body, working together toward our common goal in Him. Let us run after God with unending passion, but let us do so in the company and strength of the whole Body. Let us no longer be "children in [our] thinking, but in evil, be infants, and in thinking, be mature."
Adonai, my God, I praise You and love to be in Your presence. Show me, Father, where I have been childish in my thinking, so that I may grow and become mature in the way I follow You. Teach me to be zealous for serving others, instead of always being so self-serving. Change my thinking, Lord, that I may no longer be consumed by my selfish passion, but devoted to selflessness and sacrifice for the sake of Your Great Name...