INTEGRITY Part2Today we will address the issue of INTEGRITY and let the Word wash us clean.
Integrity according to the WebsterÂ’s New Collegiate Dictionary is:
An unimpaired condition
Firm adherence to a code especially of moral or artistic value
The quality or state of being COMPLETE or undivided
In Psalms 15 we can see another description of INTEGRITY as a requirement to “dwell in the Holy Hill of Yahveh”- SPEAKING TRUTH IN THE HEART!!
“Yahveh, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill? He who walks uprightly, And works righteousness, And speaks the truth in his heart;” Psalms 15:1-2
Those that have a heart filled with TRUTH and they speak truth to themselves, they will be able to stay in Abba’s Presence. Those that “lie to themselves” they will not be able to dwell in His Presence. Inner lies will keep people from entering into and from remaining in the Presence of Yahveh. In other words “self deceived” people and liars will be in outer darkness away from His Love and Light. This can be a temporary condition until a person repents and turns; or it could be a permanent condition of banishment from His Presence, if a person persists in loving his/her lies more than God.
When we lie to ourselves, we actually love darkness rather than Light. People that lie to themselves are hiding like Adam did in the Garden of Eden. The outcome of his sin + his hiding, (lying to himself about his responsibility,) got him thrown out of the magnificent and luscious Garden of Eden! (Genesis 3)
People of integrity are FIRST HONEST WITH THEMSELVES and that is the rule of thumb! Integrity is not only about an “external air of honesty” or looking good on the outside by doing all “the right things religiously”; rather it is by being what I would call “brutally honest with myself”. Only then the external actions will be pleasing unto YAH (God).
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also.” Matthew 23:25-26
Y’shua rebuked the religious hypocrites that pretended to be clean, honest and moral but where full of self deception and filth inside. They did not “speak truth in their hearts” and could not dwell in Yah’s Presence. Y’shua called them BLIND. That is what self deception or speaking lies to ourselves does; it makes us BLIND. A person that has been blinded by inner lies and self deception will normally plead IGNORANCE when rebuked or confronted with their sin or their lack of integrity. They will normally say: “I can’t see it”. A counselor may ask “Do you see what I mean?” and they will plead ignorant and blind.